Feeding Everyone Requires A New Economic System

in ecoTrain3 months ago


Communism makes sure most food gets allocated evenly to everyone. However, it also eliminates the reward for producing more food, which makes sure that country will eventually starve.

Capitalism allocates food based on who can pay. Which means that the poorest starve. However, capitalism rewards production of extra food, so, most people will never starve, and there is so much food, that it can be given away to the poorest.

Our goals should be that everyone gets adequate amounts of good food. And neither of these systems do that.

ESPECIALLY when bad actors want to see people starve.

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Communism sucks

The govern-cemental economic system of communism sucks the will out of the people to work hard.

Everyone is a slave. Which might be ok if everyone was fed, housed and clothed. But they are not. Slaves under a free market were treated better.

On top of this, govern-cement busybodies implement dumb policies which make it harder for the system to make enough food.

AND! even more, if there are bad actors, and you could say that many people in the USSR were bad actors, they can make policies that make sure people starve. Like whatshisname who said to throw the wheat seed onto the snow, and so when it melts, it will be watered and grow. Except this causes the seeds to rot and nothing grows. This person was either an idiot, or a murderer of millions of people. And, if he was an idiot, the political structure caused this issue to not be corrected until everyone starved.

Communism is very bad

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Capitalism doesn't provide what we want

Actually, free market capitalism might provide what we want, everyone being always fed, but we haven't had that in a very long time.

If you grow too much food, the prices crash through the floor, and the farmers do not net enough profit to continue farming.
If you grow too little food, the prices go through the roof. People will bid all their money to get food to feed themselves.

The supply demand curve does not work well for inelastic goods. And works even worse when large corporations buy up most of the production.

If you need 1000 units of food. 999 does not work, and 1001 means someone is losing money. Capitalism and the free market works really poorly with getting this exact. The been counters will work towards getting exactly 1000. And they will not be prepared when hit with a natural disaster or a truckers strike.

There are few people in the market who will pay extra for food to be grown that will never get used for feeding humans. And so, there is very little extra in the system to get you past lean years.

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Weird solutions that we hate

You might have heard, in the news, sometime last, last fall, a farmer was being paid to destroy all the cherries he grew. And lots of people got upset about this. However, this kind of surplus, and the destroying it is the bedrock of always having enough food for everyone.

If you need 1000 units of food, you NEED to grow at least 1100 every year. This gives you one year of buffer during a ten year period. You can have one bad year in ten. But this falls apart if there is a worse disaster. However, this is about all you can expect for entrepreneurs to buffer the system with. It is also very un-capitalisitic to grow an extra 100 food units each year, that you will just be throwing out. Bean counters HATE this. The lack of efficiency drives them mad.

But, it is this lack of efficiency that is extremely important in providing food.

Further, we do not make provisions in the economic system to supply food for those poor. That is currently arranged by govern-cement largess or donations. And, although donations is an appropriate way to get things from people. The N.A.P. and all that. However, from a poor person's point of view, it is terrifying to live your life waiting for handouts. And that really is not a life worth living, although dying young, because the world is harsh is also not a great life.

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We really need to work out a new system.

However it will probably be solved by going around the problem. What economic system should a govern-cement choose? None. National govern-cement shouldn't exist.

Making sure everyone gets fed is only something that can happen locally, where we have people who know people by name, and cares that they all stay fed.

Further, local is the only way to make sure enough extra gets grown to provide for bad years. Because, only the local group can choose the amount of food they are willing to throw away vs how much of a cushion they have.

However, this doesn't provide for disaster relief. No matter how much you prepare and store, it isn't always enough. Your entire village/community could get wiped out from a hurricane-flood. And, this is where we need people who have enough to donate, and or a group of community leaders who work out a way to share the extra burden around.

There will probably be many amazing ways of skinning this cat in the future, but the ones we have now fall short.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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