money dirjen tax square off pungutbpajak from online trading
Jokowi-JK Government will make the official rules of taxation for the perpetrators of electronic commerce aka e-commerce. The ranks of the Ministry of Finance-still conducting a study on taxation e-commerce this.
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Director General of Taxation of the Ministry of Finance, Ken Dwijugiasteadi confirmed, it is able to collect taxes from online trading.
"If there is 'Pak it can not be checked' .Who say can not (checked)," he said at Grand Hyatt, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (20/9).
According to Ken, which distinguishes online trading with conventional trading is just the payment system alone while the object of tax remains the same. "The online business is just a different payment method, the object remains," he said.
As according to former Expert Staff of the Minister of Finance in the Regulation and Law Enforcement of this Tax, one of the objects that will be considered in tax calculation is a delivery service that is often used in e-commerce systems.
However, Ken does not explain in more detail related to the inspection process or supervision that will be done by the Directorate General of Taxes.
"What I check is not the online company, the messenger that I check the delivery service people use online shopping must use services send it," he concluded.
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