
Faith is trust, assurance and confidence in God. trusting-god-completely-means-having-faith-that-he-knows-whats-best-for-your-life-quote-1.jpg
The expression “just have faith, it will work out” is used by people to encourage and comfort someone facing serious problems or stressful situations. But just what is faith as described in the Bible, and does it really work?

In the New Testament the English word faith is used to translate the Greek word pistis. The New Strong’s Expanded Dictionary of Bible Words says, “Pistis is used of belief with the predominate idea of trust (or confidence) whether in God or in Christ, springing from faith in the same. ‘Faith’ means trust, confidence, confirmation, and conviction" (p. 1315).

The Bible likewise characterizes pistis in Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the confirmation of things not seen." Faith is the substance or affirmation of things we seek after, however have not yet gotten. Faith (certainty, conviction, trust) is additionally our proof of that which isn't seen—the imperceptible otherworldly things. Faith precedes a supplication is addressed or before an individual has gotten what he or she has asked for from God. In the event that we have gotten what we requested, at that point Faith isn't required.

A case definition is found in Matthew 9:27-30 where two visually impaired men came to Jesus and requesting that he recuperate them. Jesus initially asked them, "Do you trust that I am ready to do this?" and their answer was, "Truly, Lord." "At that point He touched their eyes saying, 'As per your Faith let it be to you.' And their eyes were opened."

Their faith and assurance that Jesus could give them sight was the substance or reality they sought after. It additionally gave them the proof or assume that they would get what they requested. They trusted; that is, they had faith ahead of time that it would be finished.

Stay blessed in the presence of the Lord.


Good one but then dogma wasn't mentioned. Faith is being dogmatic because without being dogmatic one cannot be said to have faith in God. Nice one

Okay, thanks for the comment.

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