in DTubelast year


  2. IF YOU RECEIVE A PROPHET AS ONE WHO SPEAKS FOR GOD, YOU WILL BE GIVEN THE SAME REWARD AS A PROPHET. And if you receive righteous people because of their righteousness, you will be given a reward like theirs.
  3. And if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded.”
    Matthew 10:40-42 (NLT)

• If you received a Prophet as God's delegated authority, Or His representative, Or one who speaks for God; a reward awaited you.

  • God has packaged the Blessings of His people, in His PROPHETS. He honours the words of His prophets: "SO SAMUEL GREW, AND THE LORD WAS WITH HIM AND LET NONE OF HIS WORDS FALL TO THE GROUND" (1 Samuel 3:19 NKJV).
  • If you had a prophet and you despised his words, you may stay long in your predicaments: "BY A PROPHET THE LORD BROUGHT ISRAEL OUT OF EGYPT, and by a prophet he was PRESERVED" (Hosea 12:13 NKJV).
  • God also carries out the predictions of His prophets: "25 I EXPOSE THE FALSE PROPHETS AS LIARS AND MAKE FOOLS OF FORTUNE-TELLERS. I cause the wise to give bad advice, thus proving them to be fools. 26 BUT I CARRY OUT THE PREDICTIONS OF MY PROPHETS! By them I say to Jerusalem, ‘People will live here again,’ and to the towns of Judah, ‘You will be rebuilt; I will restore all your ruins!’ " (Isaiah 44:25,26 NLT).

• Whoever receives or welcomes a Prophet, receives Jesus Christ and God the Father.

  • Your attitude to your Prophet determines your rising in Life.
  • This truth cannot be overemphasized because many have truncated the flow of God's Blessings in their lives. They disdained and undermined THIS principle of honouring the servant of God WHO speaks to their lives.
  • Kingdom principles are necessary and very important, they should be understood and practiced, for you to get the benefits of the Kingdom.
  • Jesus taught the principles of the Kingdom on the pages of Scriptures, if you care to know them.
    NOTE: Treat your Prophet well, that is, the Minister who speaks to your life, that it may be well with you: "LET him [her] who is TAUGHT THE WORD SHARE in all good things with him [her] who TEACHES" (Galatians 6:6)
  1. "IF we have SOWN SPIRITUAL THINGS for you, is it a great thing if we REAP your MATERIAL THINGS?
    1 Corinthians 9:11,14 (NKJV)

• Admonitions

  • Do not despise or disdain your Prophet or Pastor in your heart.
  • Do not be envious or be angry with the success and progress of your Prophet or Pastor.
  • Do not covet what your Prophet or Pastor has, that is, things given to your Prophet by other people.
  • Gehāzī the servant of Elisha coveted things that were brought to his master, Elisha, which he refused to collect (2 Kings 5:15,16).
    GEHĀZĪ covetously pursed Nāaman to collect those things, but incidentally collected the leprosy of Nāaman as a result of it (2 Kings 5:20-27).

• Some of the people who were with Jesus did not support what the woman who poured an expensive oil on Jesus, did (Matthew 26:6-9).

  • Their opinions were different, they considered that the item should have been sold and the money be given to the poor (Matthew 26:8,9; Mark 14:4,5).
    JESUS had to correct them and tell them the importance of what the woman did (Matthew 26:10-12).
  • If you are working with any God's delegated authority, a Prophet Or any Minister, do not covet whatever is brought to such a minister as a gift, by other people.
  • Do not attempt to discourage or dissuade whoever wants to give to them either.
  • Instead, you should rather strive or endeavour to give to them as well, because you may not be lifted without honouring or giving to honour your Prophet or Pastor.

• God operates through the minister who takes oversight of your life.

  • God has packaged Himself in your Prophet or Pastor.
  • God's delegated authority over your life, your Pastor or whoever is speaking to your life, is your Prophet (Hebrews 13:7,17).
  • The truth is, if you despised, looked down on your Prophet, you do not have a future.
  • In this teaching, I am sharing what I have Learnt from others and through my personal experience in walking with God.
    PAY attention to this principle, understand it, follow it, and practice it; with all your heart!

• Who is your prophet?

  • Your prophet is the person chosen and ordained By God to minister spiritual things to you, in other Words, the Minister who speaks to your life—your Pastor or whoever.
  • They are the mouth piece of God. God gives instructions on the Ministry work, the direction with which the work should be taken; to such.
  • God has plans and programmes for His Church on earth, and that for every Ministry established by Him.
  • God gives instructions to His Prophet or Ministers and the instructions are to be carried out by the people who are under the leadership of such Ministers.
  • If you rebelled, be in disagreement with what God has commanded His Minister to do, it means you are not part of the work—the Ministry.
  • It means you do not believe and accept the person of the Prophet, Who is the authority that God has set over your life (Hebrews 13:7,17).
  • The truth is, if you do not follow with all your heart, you may not be part of the blessings released by God over that Commission—the Ministry.
  • The Prophet whom God has put there in the Church or set over the Ministry, is not claiming to be or presenting himself as the Chief Shepherd, but under-shepherd. He stands as the representative of Jesus Christ, the Chief Shepherd, And God the Father.
    THE Ministers are under-shepherds who will give account of their stewardship, when the Chief Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ comes (1 Peter 5:4; Acts 20:28).

• Make the decision in your heart to walk with God and move with Him, in the direction which He chooses to take His church.

  • There are packages of blessings for you in your marriages, businesses, careers, educational pursuits, Ministries, and every other area of your Life that you might miss. If you do follow the instructions given by God through His servants.
  • Do not be part of those who rebel against what the leadership of your Church says.
  • One of the keys to your Success is, believing in your Prophet, the Minister who speaks to your life.
  • Your Prophet is an agent of blessings ordained by God to take you to your place in destiny, the place God has ordained you to be.

• Therefore, be serious with your Christian life.

  • Do not put a leg in the Church and another one in the world.
    IF you want to serve God, Do with all your heart.
    IF you follow God, His Word, and the principles taught in His Word, the Bible; you will not regret.

• I see a colorful future ahead of you.
YOU will shine and reign in Life in Jesus' name.
YOUR sun will not go down in Jesus' name.

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