in DTube2 days ago

“IF YOU LOVE ME [Jesus], keep My commandments."
John 14:15 (NKJV)

Comment: The main sign or proof that someone loves Jesus, God, is the keeping of His commandments—when you are a doer of His Word (James 1:22,25).
One of the ways to show that you love someone and reverentially fear Him is to keep his or her words—instructions or commandments given to you by the person.
You would not want to go against the words or instructions or commands of someone you love. You would not because you love the person and would not want to wound his or her heart.
Likewise in a believer's relationship with God, If you did love Him with all your heart; you would not want to disobey Him, His words or instructions given to you. Thus, your love for Christ Jesus, God, is mainly shown by keeping His commandments.

Jesus Christ in our text says the love of whoever claimed to love Him can only be demonstrated by keeping His commandments—words.
Many who claimed to love Jesus, God, are not living by the principles of His Word.
Whoever is claiming to love God when he or she is not living according to the principles of the Bible is considered a joker, humorist or funnyman, by God.
If you would be taken serious by God, you should be a believer who lives by the principles of His Word, the Bible (Joshua 1:8).
There are are many contemporary believers who are considered humorist by God. What they tell people about themselves; about their relationship and commitments to God, is a farce or mockery. They live a life that is contrary to what they professed to be, which is a mockery to them before the Unbelievers who know them: "THEY PROFESS TO KNOW GOD, BUT IN WORKS THEY DENY HIM, BEING ABOMINABLE, DISOBEDIENT, AND DISQUALIFIED FOR EVERY GOOD WORK" (Titus 1:16 NKJV).
Disobedience is also mentioned in this above passage of the Bible as one of the attributes of whoever does not love God wholeheartedly.
You cannot claim you love God when you are not obeying His Word, living by the principles of His Word. There is no way you can convince God that you love Him when you are not obeying His Word—not practising His Word.

What authenticates and solidifies your relationship with God is your obedience to His Word, the practice of His Word, the Bible (James 1:22-25).
A professed believer might be practising a part of God's Word and not all. The truth is, you would experience the faithfulness of God and His goodness to the extent of your obedience on the practice of His Word.
This is the reason why some professed believers are experiencing the faithfuness of God in one department of their lives whilst they are not in other departments of their lives. God could only bless you to the extent of your obedience—as far as your obedience to His Word is.
A believer could be experiencing God's faithfuness on financial blessings but not on good health and protection. If you are a giver, you give towards God's Kingdom advancement, the Needy ministers, and whatever; you definitely would experience His faithfuness on financial blessings. However, If some easily besetting sins are still found in your life, you may have issues with the devil—fighting your health. Such sins would allow dangers or open the doors for the encroachment of the adversary, the devil, in your life.
You might be enjoying God's faithfuness on financial prosperity, but If you are shoddy in your business dealings, that is, If how you make your money falls short of the standard of God's Word, which a believer should abide with—you might be susceptible to the attacks of the enemy, the devil, on your health, or kill you prematurely. Shoddiness, dubiousness or underhandedness will give a place or an opportunity to the devil to access your life (Ephesians 4:27; 6:12).
Thus, living by the principles of the Word of God, the Bible, cannot be compromised. If the devil came to check up on you, as a believer, and found anything incriminating with you; he will strike hard (John 14:30).

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