in DTubelast year


“AND you shall remember the LORD YOUR GOD, FOR IT IS HE WHO GIVES YOU POWER TO GET WEALTH, that He may establish [confirm] His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day."
Deuteronomy 8:18 (NKJV)

• The truth is; practicing the biblical covenant principles for financial PROSPERITY makes you an example of financial abundance.

  • The Power to generate wealth is with you, and on the inside of you as a covenant child.
  • The location, economic climate of wherever you are cannot affect it. The environmental condition of the place you are, does not determine your financial success.
  • It does not matter where you are, you are an example of Blessing—financial abundance.
  • Whichever part of the world you do find yourself, you are a blessing by covenant, and the power to generate wealth is within you—right on the inside of you.
  • When you have this understanding, you will not be afraid of where to live, and what to do.
  • Inasmuch as God is the One who instructed you to live there, and do that which you are doing. That is, you started whatever you are doing, the assignment or Business, by the leading of God.
  • Location should not matter to you as a Believer, what should matter most is the instruction God has given to you—what He has commanded you to do and where and when to do it (Genesis 26:1-6,12-14).
  • Knowing fully that wherever you are, you will make it, because you are a Blessing by covenant. The power to generate wealth is on the inside of you.
  • You will not be afraid of whatever happens because you have what it takes to make things happen.
  • The News about economic crisis or downturn would NOT bother you, because that does not determine your Blessing or financial abundance, but your covenant with the God of heaven.
  • The economic climate does not change the covenant, it is the covenant that changes the climate. Known that your source is there above in HEAVEN, not here on the Earth (2 Corinthians 4:18).

• Examples:
(a) Isaac sowed in the Land where God said he should be, and he had thousand-folds of harvests; whilst others were starving and wasting away (Genesis 26:1-6,12-16).
(b) Jacob went to Laban's place and he became prosperous, without having any possession when he got there:
"You [God] have been very kind to me [Jacob]. YOU DID MANY GOOD THINGS FOR ME. The first time I traveled across the Jordan River, I OWNED NOTHING—ONLY MY WALKING STICK. BUT NOW I OWN ENOUGH THINGS TO HAVE TWO FULL GROUPS" (Genesis 32:10 Easy to Read Version).

  • Jacob said he crossed the Jordan River with his staff, walking stick, alone, but God has blessed him so much (Genesis 32:10).
    EVEN Laban attested to it, he said since Jacob came, things have changed for him: “Please don’t leave me,” Laban replied, “for a fortune-teller that I consulted told me that THE MANY BLESSINGS I'VE BEEN ENJOYING ARE ALL BECAUSE OF YOUR BEING HERE" (Genesis 30:27 The Living Bible).
    (c) Joseph also did not take anything to Egypt, in fact, he was a slave but things committed to his hands did prosper: in the Portiphar's house, in the prison, and when he was appointed as the governor of the land (Genesis 39:2-4, 20-23; 41:39-44).

• If a covenant child started a business, or joined someone in a business, or got involved in a particular assignment, based on the instructions GIVEN him or her by God, such business or assignment would prosper—produce maximally and work out well.

  • Believers' wealth or financial prosperity is made a reality BY: establishing a relationship with God, having a strong fellowship with Him, which leads to the discovery of a Vision; And added with the practicing of the covenant principles for financial prosperity.

• The Place of Wisdom in the School of financial abundance—financial prosperity Or wealth: 12 “I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, And find out knowledge and discretion. 18 RICHES AND HONOUR ARE WITH ME [wisdom], ENDURING RICHES AND RIGHTEOUSNESS (Proverbs 8:12,18 NKJV).

  • Wisdom gives wealth. Wherever financial abundance is found, wisdom is not far from the place.
  • For you to swim in abundance, and to experience financial liberty, you would need wisdom from above.

• How Wisdom is gotten—Sources of Wisdom
(a) Wisdom is gotten by asking in prayer from God: "If any of you lacks wisdom, LET HIM [her] ASK OF GOD, WHO GIVES TO ALL LIBERALLY AND WITHOUT REPROACH, AND IT WILL BE GIVEN TO HIM [her]" (James 1:5).
SOLOMON did ASK for it and it was given to him (1 Kings 3:9-13).
(b) Wisdom is also gotten through the knowledge of the Word of God: by studying and practicing it (James 1:22,25; Ephesians 1:17,18; Joshua 1:8).
(c) It is gotten by walking with the Wise: "HE WHO WALKS WITH WISE MEN WILL BE WISE, But the companion of fools will be destroyed" (Proverbs 13:20 NKJV).
(d) Also, through fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit: listening to Him for guidance and directions. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Wisdom (Isaiah 11:2).
(e) Wisdom is gotten by impartation laying on of hands: "NOW JOSHUA THE SON OF NUN WAS FULL OF THE SPIRIT OF WISDOM, FOR MOSES HAD LAID HIS HANDS ON HIM; so the children of Israel heeded him, and did as the Lord had commanded Moses" (Deuteronomy 34:9).

• Products of Wisdom
(a) Divine initiatives, witty inventions [outstanding inventions]. When you walk with God, you will always have fresh ideas on what said to do that would move you forward in whatever you are assigned to do.
THE Holy Spirit would always give you fresh ideas that will beat your imaginations and that of others.
HE would ALWAYS give you ideas to get abundance of blessings, wealth, needed to fulfil your assignment and to beat others in your Field of Operation.
(b) Being anointed with Oil
THERE is a divine mystery about being anointed with oil and impartation.

  • If you humble yourself and do allow an anointed servant of God who has the understanding of the Bible and the significance of laying on of hands, lays hands on you for Prayer, your life would not remain the same.
  • Some people's lives have been closed by the devil. IT will take the ANOINTING of God to open their closed destinies: "... AND THE YOKE WILL BE DESTROYED BECAUSE OF THE ANOINTING OIL" (Isaiah 10:27).
  • I have seen those who's lives have been battered by the devil, living in abject poverty, and such lives are changed by the reason of the anointing,
  • Impartation prayer with the application of the anointing oil is not ordinary, it is SPIRITUAL (Isaiah 10:27; 1 Samuel 16:12,13).
  • A transfer of spiritual substance happens when an exercise of hands laying and the impartation with the application of the anointing oil takes place (Isaiah 10:27; 1 Samuel 10:1,9; 16:12,13; 2 Timothy 1:6).
    VIRTUE flows when someone who has the grace of God on their Life lays hands on you (1 Timothy 4:14; 2 Timothy 1:6; Acts 6:6).
  • Do not despise it, when you have the opportunity to be imparted and hands are laid on you by someone who has the grace or the ANOINTING for financial PROSPERITY.
  • Do not meet a man of God casually, especially the One who has the grace or the ANOINTING for financial prosperity And liberty.
  • God has deposited different ANOINTING on each Minister of His. God has raised some Ministers to be financial deliverers in the body of Christ.
    PREPARE in your heart to receive spiritual substance that cannot be bought with money when you meet such.
  • You can only attract what you appreciate. What you despise cannot bless you. It is what you celebrate that adds to you.
    MAY the Lord give you understanding!

• NOTE: the devil is a counterfeiter, there are those who go about as Ministers of God, laying empty hands on empty heads (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).
THEY were not sent by God, the proof and the evidence that the anointing for financial abundance does rest on their lives—is not found (Jeremiah 23:21; Matthew 7:15,16,20).
THEY Con people out of money, telling them they would be blessed if they give certain amount of money, Or if they buy a particular material as a religious object or an holy relic that would give them financial Fortune:
19 After all, you think you are so Wise, but you enjoy putting up with fools!

• Beware of such people! You will not be a prey in Jesus' name.

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