Gnome's Fortune Temple (Ep #1)

in Dream Steem2 years ago



Gnome's Fortune Temple

She had agreed to meet his companions at the entrance of the temple, so she grabbed his bag where he put all his objects, in which she had a set of lock picks that his elf friend Naviri had given him, she had some ancient elven symbols that were supposed to have belonged to one of the most famous rogues of all time.

So Nixa, our protagonist, was very proud to have them, she always kept them polished and up to date, because she was a great thief.

She put in a small jar of honey that she liked to taste frequently and also a set of clothes, everything was in a small green bag with some crossed yellow liana ropes in the shape of an X that closed this bag.

She slung it over her shoulder, adjusted her green beret, laced up her lizard leather booties, and headed down the path to the temple entrance.

The rest of the party should be there waiting for her, or at least on their way.

When she arrived, she found a large wooden door with the symbol of a huge cloud, which served as a tremendous knocker and where the lock was located, what was the face of a huge dragon, painted in red.

Other people had already tried to enter this temple without success, as it was known that the story told that everyone who managed to enter this temple could not get out alive.

So no person had been seen who could have come out telling what was inside, or what she had seen.

However, the bards sang many stories of all those adventurers who sought to earn the reward offered by Mr. Fitching in the village tavern.

So our friends just wanted to get that reward. It was a group of four: an elf druid, our rogue gnome "Nixa", a very skilled bard named José, and our barbarian warrior named Julio, who were already waiting for him at the entrance.

The elf immediately greeted our friend: -hello Nixan, welcome wow you're coming late -

Nixa replied: - but it only took me two hours - (laughing) and the other boys agreed

And that seems fast to you? (with disgust and impatience),! Well, let's go, we have to go in and look for the treasure to recover the reward!

So, without waiting too long, our gnome took the picks that she had in her bag and with impressive skill illuminated the inside of the dragon-shaped lock with a candlelight, managing to see that there were several gears with metal spheres, which apparently fell and activated the mechanism.

So all she had to do was get the metal sphere in the right slot for the door to open, and it wasn't a difficult thing to do since other people had already overcome it.

The difficult thing was getting out of this temple alive. It was known as the temple of the red dragon, perhaps this name had been given to it because of the knocker with the face of the red dragon that was in the lock on the large wooden door.

It was a huge rock temple, it seemed built by the dwarves.

Our friend managed to click repeatedly, without success, until she, looking at it well, realized that there was a stone sphere at the top, which required hitting.

So she held the lockpick pressing on that point, causing a loud screeching sound to be heard from the right and left of the wooden door, making a noise that made a circular rumble on the inside of the door.

What were some large iron bars that I heard fell through some holes under the doors.

Apparently they were embedded with the security mechanism that prevented access to this door. Immediately when these bars fell, the noise was heard and the accumulated dust that rose in the holes where the bars were deposited was seen.

And this was the signal that they could go inside.

Between the four of them they pushed the wide doors, finding themselves before them a huge stone passageway with a series of chandeliers that were all turned off.

So they immediately proceeded to enter, with Elf Archer leading the way.

Our group of adventurers The first thing she did was detect if there were any kind of traps on the walls or on the floor.

Since it was known that this type of temple housed many traps and many things that were unpleasant.

But she failed to notice anything strange except for a kind of grates or sewers that were in every certain amount of sections in the long corridor.

Once they managed to get through the gate, it closed. automatically, without allowing them to come out again, because it does not have an opening mechanism at the back.

So our adventurers were currently trapped in this place.

So once they detected that the area was safe to move forward, they did it progressively until they reached a part where there were two doors: one on the right and one on the left.

Ahead was a large arch. This bow was made of stone, a work perfectly accomplished by dwarven hands without a doubt.

There they could see that the corridor extended about 5 meters further on to divide into a passage that crossed from left to right and very far back they could notice a kind of church pedestal, on which it seemed that something could be attached or placed.

But immediately as she began to move one of the slabs stepped on by our elf activated a mechanism that lit all the chandeliers with magical fire that were around, illuminating the entire corridor.

Our adventurers began to follow their path, to explore the secrets that were in this temple, entering it and deciding to continue further without paying attention to the doors that were to the right or to the left, as they concluded that this was something that they could investigate later.

As they immediately approached the arch through the gratings, green gases began to come out that did not give them time to think or take any action.

In reality, they had a few seconds to do it, maybe about 5 seconds, during which time what they did was put their hands to cover their mouths and noses, with the idea of running quickly, and quickly cross this sector because these gases were coming out, and manage to overcome this.

The gnome immediately managed to detect that there were some large pillars behind the arch and she dashed with an acrobatic maneuver on top of one of the pillars, doing a tripke somersault, a triple jump and landing spectacularly on one of the pillars.

Our other companions were at the bottom being affected more quickly by this gas, the gnome was able to see how the gas managed to cover all our companions up to their heads, however our protagonist was protected at the top, because the pillar covered her.

The height of her protected her.

Immediately our companions began to try to open one of the two doors on the left and on the right to take refuge, but when they tried to do so, what they managed was to activate another mechanism.

And then from the back where our gnome was on the pedestal, it was seen as if from the wall, a silhouette began to come out, it was a great golem about 6 meters tall, a stone golem that was emerging from the wall.

Evidently this was one of the guardians that protected the temple, one of the creatures that were especially dedicated to preventing intruders from stealing the treasures of the place.

Its function to protect all the belongings of what was kept here in this sacred temple.

In the entire front, about 6 meters from this golem, there was another statue about 5 meters high of another formidable golem, also completely made of stone, that was holding a large club with large spikes.

This other one was inert, at this moment it was not moving and our party of friends was in big trouble right now.

The first thing that occurred to the elf druid was to cast a protection from evil spell to protect the entire party from any evil influence this gas or these creatures tried to do to them.

Our warrior began to cough intoxicated by the gas and began to get dizzy, and yelled - I'm feeling very weak! -

Our elf friend told her: - If this is due to the effects of the gas, I have cast something to protect us against evil, but we have to immediately do everything possible to cover those vents, so that the gas can't do us more damage!

The bard decided that the best thing he could do was try to start playing his flute to cheer everyone up, but between the shock and the gas that made it impossible for him to breathe, the noises coming out of his flute were really unpleasant clicking noises. that what they did was make everyone more nervous.

After our friend the bard tried to break several of the gratings with his one-handed sword without success, the stone golem began to move towards them in order to attack them.

He attacked them several times, slamming his closed hand on the ground, trying to crush them.

The rocks that fell as a result of these impacts against the ground fortunately managed to cover the cracks through which the gas came out.

Giving this an advantage to our group of adventurers.

The gas stopped coming out in a matter of two minutes, but they had already breathed gas during that time and began to hallucinate and suffer from the effects.

The three companions were on the floor, they were affected by this gas, while our friend the gnome who was on the top of the pedestal did not suffer these effects.

The group of adventurers began to see how his limbs turned into snakes and how the room began to flood with a large bubbling purple liquid, which seemed to make the entire room boil.

And they began to scream in despair because they saw that crocodiles were coming from all over the liquid, and snakes were coming to attack them.

This was the product of the hallucination they were suffering from the effect of the gases.

Our gnome shouted: - But what's wrong with them? - What's wrong with them?

And the warrior said to him: - But aren't you seeing snakes and crocodiles attacking us? - The elf yelled: - Help! Several snakes are biting me -

The bard dropped his flute because he saw how several 30 centimeters long, very skinny snakes were tied to the flute and he threw it away with a lot of disgust and fear. His eyes bulged out like two fried eggs.

They were all very alarmed. The gnome, in an act of courage, took out the little dagger from her and shouting: "By the king of thieves!" she did a double triple fatality.

This time achieving it even more perfect than the previous one. And in the process she managed to take out of her endless bag that Finch the wizard had given her (to whom they were doing the search for this temple for the mission they had entrusted) her dagger of infinity.

A dagger that she was capable of infinitely cutting anything, object, animal or person.

And this in an extremely acrobatic act capable of being done only by a rogue as specialized as her, she managed to cross a slant from the top with the jump that gave the entire golem to the bottom. and when she fell, there were barely 5 seconds of gas left, because she was fading.

So she actually didn't suffer the effects of the hallucinations.

It could be seen as the next scene that the infinity dagger managed to make a purple crack throughout the entire golem, and it broke into two pieces, beginning to crack in all parts of the body.

Until he started shaking for about 30 seconds and imploded which luckily resulted in blowing the head off of the other golem statue that was 20 feet away from him.

Making him unable to wake up and not being attacked by the other creature.

They had run with God Luck this time... but now it was their turn to face the next challenge ahead of them, which was this pedestal and they had to find out what the secret was that awaited them.

But this is something that you, my dear readers, will discover in the next installment of this adventure that I am narrating.

I hope you enjoyed it so leave me your comments on how you think this adventure can continue and what you think is going to happen next.

This text is completely original and created inspired by a recent role-playing session, performed by several veteran players who brought each of these characters to life.



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