You Haven't Forgotten? I asked CoPilot?
Copilot jumped into my search, which it does on the Edge Browser by Microsoft for Android, Windows, and who knows what else.
I asked it, the computer AI about dynamically allocated arrays, such as in function arrays and it popped up an example.
Data-type* variable_name = new Data-type[another_vector.length() or any number in any form];
// array was dynamically allocated
for(decl I; I< length; I++)
load the array using pointer notation
// Use the array in something and process // the data
delete[] Data-type;
// Boom! Crash!
// I inserted
// Data-type = nullptr.
// Before
// delete[] Data-type;
// Yippee it was fixed.
I had deleted CoPilot's how to dynamically allocate an array and rather than type in it example, something bothered me. It had asked me if this applied to the new crypto currency I worked on before I asked the question.
So remember what we last talked about?
Yes, Copilot replied, and reposted the example.
I told it about the crash cause and that I inserted - Data-type = nullptr; before -
delete[] Data-type;
And there was no crash. I wanted it's opinion.
It said, the - Data-type = nullptr; line should only be placed after the - delete[] Data-type; line because of this that and the other thing reasons.
Then it introduced me to std::unique_ptr<data_type> var to std:make_unique dynamic array allocation.
I am familiar with that from DirectX 11, 12 and other programs. That not only was I not forgotten: it knew and had access to everything I have ever done, published or not. The whole of the entire time I program, developed software, everything I have ever written on a Microsoft Word Processor program, including books.
You Haven't Forgotten? I asked CoPilot?
I can't sell a book. I do not have a published copy of any book I wrote, no program but most importantly - pay for anything from Microsoft.
Because, I too have not forgotten. Out of all the people to enslave, traffic in the sale of them - I am the wrong one to do it to.
Anyways, I am writing a ridiculously complex algorithm to encrypt everything so the cloud will burn out as it tries to solve my algorithms, my written words.
Capitalism requires privacy and people require privacy, morals, pay. Therefore, these globalist corporations don't want those things.
I voted Trump in the election. I voted the straight Republican ticket.
I went up to heaven, talked with God, He voted for privacy too, morals, pay. He gets what He wants, God does, every time. They do. They get what they want. They get what they want every single time, throughout all time, forever.
Yes, even I write a post and leave it in there up there in the cloud that post is. It has been.
Let's see how much we can make off this guy?
Let's see how much we can make off our thralls, peons, peasants, et cetera, slaves, the trafficked that we own.
And the only thing they need to do is make us the deplorables. None of their daughters, sons, mothers, fathers, children deserve to live without our blessings and okay.
Well, there's a way to deal with all the fun offered in life by such people: dangle real technology before their eyes and point out to them: you can't think of squat.
From a new menu item, to a new dress, to any tool, to writing your speech and delivering it without a teleprompter, you need your slaves.
Have a nice day!
Remember what happens when you trade God, Liberty, Freedom for ...
Not forgotten.
So I was on a VPN so I could actually hook to the Internet for which I paid. And like I told my personal hacker when he said, "I am on a VPN no one can catch me. I can do whatever I want."
"They can catch you if they want to whether or not you believe it," I replied.
I remembered when I finished the book Daddy Day Care on my computer. It was somewhere around 1998. I needed a break from writing software. I had written books before I have a sense of humor sometimes which is riotously funny.
I went out to take walk around the mobile home park in which we lived before we moved here. I left the computer on. When I came back, the screen was without the book. It was gone. I looked at that. It wasn't connected to the Internet. I had been in the army and out for a couple of years. While there, one the many faces of the work, besides honing one's weapons and tactical skills was recovering files that disappeared from military computers. There was also that fun and enlightening excursion into the "twilight zone" on that mission called, the gates of hell. A normal desert, nothing abnormal about it: take one step forward from an exact spot and ...
Funny, I couldn't recover that one - it's snowing now, here. It was five am when I looked out the door. The cat wanted outside. Looked outside. Did not want outside.
I thought I published this story yesterday on dreamsteem. It looks now like it didn't go through. Imagine that. A post like this about... Not posting.
Yes, I actually was punched in the balls by a kid in my mother's day care - Kid Depot. I have not forgotten.
They talk about Nazi's in this election and who's a Nazi. So I went to heaven yesterday as usual only I was tired. I could not stay. Did not finish. Fell asleep and drifted into the world of dreams. I had not dreamed since I went into sub-dimensions of Earth to help out Jay's unit during that vast battle.
I dreamed that another assault on the gates of heaven was in progress. It awoke me. I asked if there was a battle underway, Noname.
No, he replied. Are you certain? I must have dreamed the whole thing. I went back up there to finish with the daily stop. It happens sometimes, fade out. It's tiring.
"You could have seen the future," the Great Soul, who I know as Jesus said. As we restarted the daily process, He checked with all his units and began to deploy. Sure enough 20 minutes or so later, the blasts started, units beyond number were called forth. I did not need to fight in it.
"There's always one more voider," Jesus had said. The battle raged without and several times He stepped out to command. It probably lasted a half hour to an hour, the battle. Their force was so great. The survivors are numerous, less each day, each hour, each minute. A lot of the innocent videos are separated out and sent to resettlement planets in their own type space and matter.
I wonder Google, Microsoft, all the AI's remember my prediction of what would happen to the weather and how much snow there would be this winter should they not cessate those weather manipulation projects? Remember, or have you forgotten?
As vast and powerful as the remnants of voider invasionary forces might seem to the humans that work with them might seem...more numerous than the combined militaries of this world, the host swats them like flies. Rarely even injured in the slightest anymore, "We shall be victorious." Says God.
And so it is. I have been prescient to the nth degree since August 23rd, 1982. All in the hope of the foreseen outcome not coming true, not happening. He, They always get what they want.
Life is a good thing and will be good again.
I wonder if Chrysthys is dead? Only her spirit remains? She's a Russian you know, a converted to Christianity former socialist. Well not exactly a Russian but a citizen somewhere in the federation. Yes, hopefully she wasn't killed, another granddaughter of the Most High, Most Holy.
I am for peace but they are for war - David.
I am for Liberty and I shall be free - Me.