The Grey of the Clouds Monday
The Grey of the Clouds Monday
I have noticed this cliche and am happy with it and the persons in it: I feel like I am in a cafe in Paris or an institution at the University of Oregon where intellectuals gathered now gone, Taylor's Bar and Grill. No that's not it, Tavern? On Kincaid St. Eugene. Let me look on the Internet. I was correct. Except the address on 13th Street but on the corner with Kincaid.
There was beer and ale served. Food. University Bands played and so there was dancing so it was more like a nightclub. Real talent of students playing.
My student counselor met here with me, Professor Albert Szymanski, deceased and Professor Val, oh what was his name, it'll come to me: He died shot by the police of the Netherlands waving a socialist flag while his comrades rowed a boat to shore. An invasion to free the Dutch? It'll come to me. He was Dutch.
They lead the Communist Party. I don't believe Al was a communist, he studied it. Meanwhile there were so many grad students in this meeting that occurred a couple of times a week from foreign countries.
"We used to wipe our asses with pages of the Bible," Al was talking - Burris, Val Professor. These two taught me about conceptual thought... enough of that.
I wonder why one would waste so much time on something one does not believe, was what I replied or something like that...if you don't believe it.
I did not fall for it. Did not take the bait. I met Michelle she was french, exotic, spoke perfect English American. About five foot five. Brown, wavy hair past her shoulders four inches. Did not shave her arm pits and had hair around her nipples an inch long. There was a jewel in her nostril, an emerald, her lips were full.
Taylor's and girls. I always thought once you did it, it would lead to a relationship. Long term. I lit a cigarette when we were through and we talked afterwards for a little while in her room in the apartment, she was dating Al Szymanski. "Shit," I said.
"I like black men better than white, like you." Michelle said.
"Simultaneous Operation of the Modes of Production," I replied to her. I got up off the floor to leave. Pulled my clothes on. I looked at her. Too bad I thought, this mistake of hers would she was about to flunk out. They start out with 9,000 freshmen by the time of the third quarter, a thousand were weeded out. She would be one that was gone.
What is that?
"Evolution is dynamic and economic transactions tend towards efficiency. Multiple modes of production occur rather just one."
"How do you know that?"
"Because I expostulated it, thought it up and -"
"You did?"
"Yeah, I gotta go." If they are not liking a couple of hours of that. It's not going to work out.
I told her I wanted to see her again but she said, "No."
She never showed up at Taylor's again. Once Al found out she was gone. Al was upset with me but I said about Michelle, "How was I supposed to know?" I did feel bad though.
Then one day, back at Taylor's, Al brought up the Simultaneous Modes of Production and Professor Burris was there as well. Al very much liked my theory Val did not: while feeding me beer, I was tested on all the knowledge the two had poured into me. I passed.
Val had his fingers on his chin and massaged it while he thought up even more questions about economic relationships and social interactions at various functions' levels' of social interactions.
"You see," Al turned to Val, "I told you he reads all the materials and then some." He laughed. Toasted me.
"I can't disagree with what he says. His conclusions follow probable logic," and we're the ones that taught it too him." Val laughed too. We toasted and drank.
Then Val said, "He stepped into a grey area of the philosophical logic, I never considered. We'll graduate him." He called for another round and more toasts.
So I graduated, eventually. In a few more months. After a long time and in America I say, "Simultaneous... Economic Transactions."
Yes, there under the grey of the clouds Monday, was always a light rain that went on forever. People snuck through the mist, snuck through the barriers and for moments unified as one in the cold dampness of the winter. My this place is so different where I live now but I can explain that too.
The antimatter brought into my house very much is torturous and slaps all my abilities down to nothing. Ad some sound torture, these two things affect all beings around here, wife, animals, angelic host.
Fortunately, we recover. But as bait, I announced today that there is a pattern during this drought. Each time we are recovered, our mana built back up, our memories and knowledge restored along comes a new attack with antimatter. Although, both the numbers of attackers and their strength thins with each attack.
Taylor's closed during COVID-19. The family keeps the space. It remains permanently closed.
I saw a dark colored pick up truck parked on the road facing south this morning, appearing to watch my house under these grey clouds of Monday and will they rain?
What was the person in the truck doing? Hoping to start the wind? A gust from a whirlwind hit the house. I was changing another battery for the charger when I saw the truck parked and when it saw me, the driver drove away south.
I wrote this post a couple of days ago.
My wife and I, our coupling was natural: it endures, survives the roughest of roads, my choice to purchase the closest house to a field artillery impact zone, for example. Where bombs and live shells are exploded precisely on target all day long. A commercial property as well.
We flowed together like two tributary streams that made a river and unlike all the others stayed a river. We ran through rapids, waves, whirlpools, and falls. Sometimes slow water, undertow and all.
My sense of humor makes her laugh a lot but like all comedians, I bomb. I was in the field artillery and really do know how to bomb.
That in itself produces observations I make when I have bombed. Those can be funny too.
Yes, love is love. Economic transactions can be separated into distinct identities of method, fruitfulness, equality, and prosperity. Some are prosperous for everyone, some are not. As Kim of the North prepares for global thermonuclear war.
Whatever type of social economics the Beings of the Void did, they're fallen and it was the wrong thing to do. Like Schiff, former house of representatives attacker of Trump and now as a Senator steps up to do the same and all one needs to ask him is, "As a Senator of California, shouldn't you have thrown around your weight to cease the burning of Los Angeles?" (Even I did something to help and I was seriously thrashed!)
Well he didn't care about California as a member of the house and as a Senator, it's the same. So here's my second question, "Would you please recite all of Federal law and California State Law for us?"
The wife and I watched the entire Transformers series over the last week. Amazing! Alien battles and the destruction of all, trapped in the Chicago Trump tower, the evil servant of the Decepticons - a human being - continued to side with them while Chicago was destroyed. He was in Trump Tower. We don't have the last one, The Beast.
When your heart is broken. When you're all alone. There's more fish in the sea who want to make a home. Not all days will be good. Change is oh so fast. That the important thing is to love so love will forever last. When you're both old and grey, not so very spry. Remember there's an afterlife where soon you will abide. That if you love you'll be there. Forever the time to come. Because that which made the heavens is the pure, good light of love.
You'll have your doubts, during life on Earth, those do normal be. But when you wake after the long sleep, this will be asked if there: did you ever love. Did you ever give? Despite all on the Earth did you see? If the answer is yes, come forever then to live your life with me.
Great stuff, as always... And it's a beautiful country on that picture. Kudos on a great read.
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Thanks very much @hefestus! It's appreciated.
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Thanks @mikitaly I really appreciate this.