The wedding 74 / La boda 74 [Eng - Spa]

(Esta es una publicación bilingüe, puedes ver la versión en castellano al final del post)
On the 74th anniversary my parents' wedding
She fixes her snow-white dress...
he doesn't know why she tightens the collar of her shirt...
they both feel the earthquake of her fingers seeking the calm of the ring that from that day on will accompany them until they close their eyes forever.
She doesn't know whether to laugh or cry about the encounter...
he whispers that tears aren't as salty as the sea.
She collects flowers for a future bride who will receive the bouquet as her next stage He will touch her thigh to remove the lace headband with the ribbon of passion
She doesn't know where she left her heart that day
He found his heart dreaming near the bedroom
She doesn't stop talking with her smile...
He can't stop thinking about the moon at night
They converge their steps on the carpet commitment uncertain...full of emotions, scares and promises...
They dance the dance of true love In the bars of the waltz that unites their hopes
And they answer the questions determined not to get the answers wrong.
They look at the eyes ...
Tears contain the lump in the throat Rings swap to stay on their outstretched fingers A slight tremor disturbs them after the phrase "happily ever after"
That day the dreamed caress touched her skin That day tenderness slept full of heat
Today I look at the moon looking for their memory...yes...I knew that their honeymoon room was number 74...

En el 74° aniversario
de bodas de mis padres
Ella arregla su vestido blanco como la nieve...él no sabe por qué aprieta el cuello de su camisa...ambos sienten el terremoto de sus dedos buscando la calma del anillo que desde ese día los acompañara hasta que cierren sus ojos para siempre
Ella no sabe si reír o llorar por el encuentro...él susurra que las lágrimas no.son tan saladas como el mar
Ella recoge las flores para una futura novia que recibirá el ramo como su próxima etapa
El tocará su muslo para retirar el cintillo de encaje con la cinta de la pasión
Ella no sabe donde dejó su corazón ese día
El encontró su corazón soñando cerca de la alcoba
Ella no para de hablar con su sonrisa...
El no deja de pensar en la luna de la noche
Ellos convergen sus pasos
sobre la alfombra
del compromiso
Incierto...lleno de emociones, susto y promesas...
Ellos bailan la danza del amor verdadero
En los compases del vals que une sus esperanzas
Y contestan las preguntas decididos a no equivocar las respuestas del afecto
Se miran a los ojos ...
Las lágrimas contienen el nudo en la garganta
Los anillos se intercambian para quedarse en sus dedos extendidos
Un leve temblor los inquieta después de la frase "felices para siempre"
Ese dia tocó su piel la caricia soñada
Ese dia durmió la ternura llena de calor
Hoy miro la luna buscando su que la habitación de su luna de miel era la número 74..
Muchas gracias por visitar mi blog y leer mi post. Espero que este año 2024 sea pleno de cosas buenas para ti y tu familia. Dios te bendiga.
Thank you very much for visiting my blog and reading my post. I hope that this year 2024 is full of good things for you and your family. God bless you.
Your visit to my blog is very important to me. I hope you liked my literary work and leave with the intention of returning..
Tu visita a mi blog es muy importante para mí. Espero que te haya gustado mi trabajo literario y te vayas con la intención de regresar.
Foto propia tomada del álbum familiar Own photo taken from the family album
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Welcome to Dream Steem Community!
You told us about a time that we can only imagine with difficulty: Long before we were born, people lived, loved, married... I hope they had a happy life together!
All the best for you and have a good time on the Steem!
@weisser-rabe, thank you for the welcome...I wanted to portray the importance of a marriage...the wedding of a committed and excited couple...a good friend who remembers his parents' wedding anniversary with nostalgia and tenderness ....there are simple things that can be rescued from the complexity of this era in which we live.