My Presentation in DraftCrearte, By @yurianna2006
My Presentation in DraftCrearte, By @yurianna2006

Who I am?
I am Yurianna, I am 15 years old, I am from Venezuela-Nueva Esparta State, my parents are @ luisjlr77 and @ yuri1977 and I am studying in the fifth year of high school. I am a friendly and loving person, I am a creative, intelligent girl and with many dreams and goals that I wish to fulfill. I joined Steemit because my dad recommended this incredible social network to me, I wanted to try it and in the short time I have been here I have loved it. I still don't know much about the cryptocurrencies but I'm already, but I am already familiarizing myself and every day I am learning a little more.
What you like to do (talents and skills related to art), add some photos.
I like, sing, dance, draw, paint, color, do crafts, draw pictures and make paper figures (origami).

Why do you want to join DraftCrearte?
I want to join DraftCrearte because it is a very close-knit community where I can share my skills, abilities and learn more every day from the published content.
Hola @yurianna2006, eres bienvenida. Gracias por unirte a nosotros, espero que sea de tu agrado y puedas compartir tus trabajos aquí.
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