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RE: Do You Think Science And Philosophy Should Be Connected?
There is no separation between physics and metaphysics. It is a continuum.
BTW what exactly did you mean by "modern mathematics"? Did you mean things regarding probability?
"modern mathematics" -
Well... do you know the assumptions of mathematics?
The feeling i was trying to convey is similar to this quote you imaged.
Why do they teach calculus right after algebra and trigonometry? Why not discrete mathematics? I use discrete all the time in programming. And, although i have calculated beam sizes, which uses calculus, i never needed to use calculus, because the formulas were already derived.
The reason they teach calculus is so that all the children do not see "modern mathematics" for the fraud it is.
The assumption that you can always add 1 to a number, i believe is false.
i.e. if you have 3 apples, the number line goes from 0 to 3. not 0 to ∞.
Further, "modern mathematics" uses linear coordinate systems although no such thing exists in nature. So, when trying to use "modern mathematics" for physics, for measuring the real world, it is woefully inadequate.
In the future mathematics.
Or, basically, in "modern mathematics"
1 = -1
It has been shown and proven.
So, we either accept this apparent contradiction, or we fix the mathematics.