“Averting A Cyber Pandemic”
Hello dear friends, coming at you with yet more cyber pandemic propaganda and this is again coming from the wef.
This is 1 of 2 clips from a wef discussion panel, where they talked about “Averting a cyber pandemic (option 1)”
This is a clip of a little animation they played to set the mood of the discussion.
Now I have already gone into depth on the cyber pandemic narrative they have been programming us for. So rather than sounding like a broken record. I’ll include links to these two posts.

The Great Reset: Hack Attack

“Cyber 9/11 False Flag & The Internet Kill Switch (The Infodemic Cure is coming)
This is clip 2 of the discussion. This one brings up yet another repeated message in the media space. The information pandemic or ‘Infodemic’. A disease-like spread of misinformation/disinformation online. A serious problem, according to ‘experts’, for its claimed that these conspiracy theorists, who spread their lies, have real life effects on the pandemic and actually make it worse. 😂 I know I know. Complete nonsense!
Again, instead of sounding like a broken record, I’ll just link to the work I did covering the ‘Infodemic’ propaganda.

The Coronavirus Pan(dem)ic Part 3: Covid-19 and The “Infodemic” of Misinformation
Shoutout to my patrons Dante, Amanda, Patricia, Lyndsay, InTreble, Adam k, Brain D. Ridgeway and the rest. Your support means a whole lot to me!

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