[Introducing me to Dcooperation] Bilingual, musician, seeking integrality and heal trough frecuency.

in DCooperation5 years ago (edited)

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Desde que tengo memoria soñe con cantar y siempre tuve destreza para hacer Voces, me gustaba mucho imitar comiquitas y sobretodo ver Los shows de titeres con Los qué trabajaba mi familia

mi meta es la de quitarme Las etiquetas y poder ser cada dia un ser mas completo, con capacidad de poder manejar los siete escalones de Las Bellas artes con soltura a nivel teorico y practico para el desarrollo de peliculas, mi cuspide artistica es la de ser director de cine de peliculas con sustancia, y debo hacer enfasis en ello ya que abunda el cine mediocre y sin concepto.

me gusta la ciencia, Las matematicas, la fisica y la geometria, me gustan Los planetas, Los minerales, todo esto es esencial para contar Una historia en el cine de manera correcta, el USO de metodo cientifico para todo lo que se Haga.

me gusta la espiritualidad, Los valores, la alegria y el amor, no atandome a ninguna religion si no descubriendo el mundo a traves de la filosofia, viviendo todo lo mistico y encontrando la verdad mas allá de Toda ilusion, actualmente gracias a mi ubicacion geografica, experiencias vividas y mi vocacion como musico sanador a traves de frecuencias 432hz he conectado con el shamanismo, especificamente con nuestros piaroas en venezuela, pudiendo participar en Los procesos de sanación de otras personas, acompañandolos a traves del canto en ceremonias de medicina ancestral indigena

mi impulso mas grande siempre ha sido mi familia, especialmente mi abuela, quien viajo por el mundo haciendo arte, especificamente teatro, cine y television, haciendome saber que Los sueños se hacen realidad y que no tengo excusas, siempre me dice "yo hice todo lo que quise, cuando me case con Tu abuelo mi familia no estaba de acuerdo porque yo habia dejado la Carrera de medicina por el teatro y Les dije: "yo me caso con cheche (mi abuelo) aqui o en Pekin (expresion venezolana).

mi abuela se caso en Pekin, demostrandome desde antes de mi existencia el poder de la palabra.

en Steemit soy embajador de la cultura reggae en #reggaesteem lo cual me ha llevado a conectar con energias del Mundo fisico que estoy seguro vendran a compartir vibras del I&I

tambien soy embajador de #innerblocks dónde se busca la realizacion personal y la autosuficiencia, lo cual me ha permitido conectar con sitios hermosos en el mundo fisico dedicados al cultivo, ecologia y permacultura.

soy promotor de #Int, Una criptomoneda para emprendedores, estás tres energias a Las que he tenido el honor de asumir me Han dado el impulso para iniciar unas charlas de steemit, el siguiente paso es hacer Una base de Steem en Caracas, un espacio dónde steemians de Todo el mundo puedan conectar y poder llegar a otras latitudes, tambien estoy buscando la Mandela de hacer un Crowfunding para conseguir Una nueva guitarra, llevo diez años con mi instrumento y ha aguantado desierto selva nieve y volcan, el metro e infinidad de situaciones caoticas que solo pueden appreciate en esta Hermosa ciudad de Caracas dónde los policias y Los ladrones son lo mismo pero en Dias distintos.


Since I have a memory I dreamed of singing and I always had the ability to do Voices, I really liked to imitate comiquitas and above all to see The puppet shows with What my family worked with

my goal is to take off the labels and be able to be a more complete being every day, with the ability to handle the seven steps of the fine arts with a theoretical and practical level for the development of movies, my artistic cusp is to be film director of movies with substance, and I must emphasize it since mediocre and conceptless cinema abounds.

I like science, Mathematics, physics and geometry, I like Planets, Minerals, all this is essential to tell A story in the cinema correctly, the USE of scientific method for everything that is done.

I like spirituality, Values, joy and love, not binding on any religion if not discovering the world through philosophy, living everything mystical and finding the truth beyond All illusion, currently thanks to my geographical location , lived experiences and my vocation as a healing musician through frequencies 432hz I have connected with shamanism, specifically with our piaroas in Venezuela, being able to participate in the healing processes of other people, accompanying them through singing in ceremonies of indigenous ancestral medicine

My biggest impulse has always been my family, especially my grandmother, who traveled the world making art, specifically theater, film and television, letting me know that Dreams come true and I have no excuses, she always tells me "I did everything What I wanted, when I married your grandfather, my family did not agree because I had left the medical career in the theater and I told them: "I got married with a cheche (my grandfather) here or in Beijing (Venezuelan expression).

My grandmother married in Beijing, demonstrating to me from before my existence the power of the word.

In Steemit I am an ambassador of the reggae culture in #reggaesteem which has led me to connect with energies of the physical world that I am sure will come to share I&I vibes

I am also an ambassador for #innerblocks where personal fulfillment and self-sufficiency are sought, which has allowed me to connect with beautiful places in the physical world dedicated to cultivation, ecology and permaculture.

I am a promoter of #Int, A cryptocurrency for entrepreneurs, there are three energies to which I have had the honor of assuming. They have given me the impulse to start some steemit talks, the next step is to make a Steem base in Caracas, a space where Steemians from around the world can connect and be able to reach other latitudes, I am also looking for the Mandela to do a Crowfunding to get a new guitar, I have been with my instrument for ten years and it has endured desert jungle snow and volcano, the meter and countless situations chaotic that can only be appreciated in this beautiful city of Caracas where the police and thieves are the same but on different days.


Thanks a lot for such great introduction.

@joseacabrerav Hey Welcome here dear... Glad to see you here....
Upvoted you 100% !!!
Hope just like your #introduceyourself post your every post gets on top and you achieve your goal using steemit...
If you need any help or assistance feel free to tell me over steemchat...
I will be always there for you!!!!
Do view my profile and follow me to get one of the amazing valuable blogs on steemit!!!! Thanks=)

Posted using Partiko Android

Welcome to @dcooperatioon, and @clixmoney must love to welcome you, man.
Thanks for sharing you though and music with us. You can share all about Reggae Culture there. I see.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Hey joseacabrerav! If you would like to make your personal feed contain the top trending media and talking points of the whole internet, consider following @coffeebreak and @topicstoday accounts - And welcome to Steem!

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