The beginning
In the beginning, I knew nothing about the stock market, While I have learned a ton over the last 6 months, there is still so much to learn. To start, I took $5000 and opened a brokerage account. I had seen on Facebook about the "Marijuana Gold Rush" and thought, "Damn, I'm missing out! I can't possible lose!" LOL. You can and will lose. Expect it. Relying on Facebook posts from strangers, I invested my $5000 in several marijuana stocks and were going to make me rich. They didn't and I watched my investments shrink by almost 50% over the course of a few months. I was sure they were just dipping and would be back to the levels where I bought them and more. I was still gonna be rich. Some of them did recover to some extent were I was able to sell them for small losses or even a small profit. I freed up $2000 in my account and began to look into Day Trading as opposed to Investing.
I found some free chat rooms on discord with traders exchanging tickers, watch lists and charts. At this point I still knew very little except how to lose money and it was all very intimidating. The chat rooms were unorganized chaos and I learned very little from them. Then one day, in one of the chat rooms someone posted a link to a new group they were starting to help educate noobs like me while sharing trading ideas and letting the group know what stocks they were buying , when and why. The first 30 days membership was $1. I was losing 100 times that regularly so I figured what do I have to lose and joined. This was the best decision I made since starting down this path. If you are thinking about trying to become a trader .... YOU NEED A TEACHER.
In my next post, I'll bring you up to speed by documenting my progress since joining this group.