David Irving was never REALLY a 'holocaust denier' any more than any official Israeli 'holocaust' historian is ... his REAL crime was to speak the truth about Hitler, The Nazi regime, and WWII
Any 'historian' can be wrong about most of what they 'believe'....any historian who speaks of 'treblinka' as a death camp has lost any real credibility on the topic of 'the holocaust'...yes David Irving suffered massively when he was not REALLY a holocaust denier at all...what he was punished for was simply NOT demonising Hitler ... what the Jew World Order fears is that people will learn the TRUTH about what the JEWS did in WWII, before, and now, and that HItler, despite being imperfect, and being used as a tool of the Jew World Order , was THE LAST BEST HOPE FOR FREEDOM IN THIS WORLD FOR ANYONE WHO IS NOT ONE OF THE 144,000 'CHOSEN PEOPLE'... It is amazing Irving was do demonised for doing so little...it just shows that the REAL problem THEY had with Irving was that he showed the TRUTH about Hitler, the Nazis', and WWII....it was NOT his comments, minor as they were, about 'The Holocaust'... Irving is as inconsistent as most people...and I have NO idea how he can go on about Treblinka et al as death camps, when the Russians admitted Treblinka was a transit camp...there is not a single credible 'witness' that ANYONE was EVER killed at Treblinka ... just family separations, terrible enough...and transits onto work camps...not a SINGLE death camp EVER documented... I wonder if Irving was trying to get himself 'rehabilitated' so he could enjoy his previous status as millionaire historian ???
Yes folks, David Irving was no more a 'holocaust denier' than the official Israeli 'HOlocaust' historians in Washington or Tel Aviv, who 'deny' that electric floors were used to kill jews, that jews were fed live to wild bears and tigers, or that soap was made from jews body fat, or lamp shades were made from the skin of killed jews... and the Polish Auschwitz camp management who changed the 'plaque' numbers about supposed deaths in Auschwitz, 'defaming' the memory of the millions of jews who were 'murdered again' when the official curators reduced the official death toll down by millions...no, David Irving was not really aware of what 'The Holocaust' means ... he was just used as a public figure to 'tear down', a real 'straw man' when it comes to 'The Holocaust', unlike Zundel ... David Irving's crime was to show that Hitler was a decent human being, doing his best for his people...a truly noble, inspired, brilliant leader ... Hitler was used by the Jew World Order to trick the U.S into fighting FOR Bolshevism... to allow the Russians to occupy most of Europe ... in preparation for a merger with the E.Jew of today ... all explained in my books, videos, and podcasts.... it will take you some days to read and watch and listen to them all...but after you will feel like a veil has really been lifted from your eyes TROONATNOOR Patreon