Mt Gox Trustee, Nobuaki Kobayashi, sold bitcoin for a total of 400+ million dollars.
More and more wealthy people are buying Crypto Assets
You won't be able to pay for your morning coffee with traditional currency anymore, he says
Bitcoin AND Ethereum are accepted here
He thinks bitcoin "is the new gold.
He points to a surprisingly accurate historical trend
"I will admit to really underestimating cryptocurrencies for years," he says.
He has an ambitious plan to earn $20 million by the age of 14
Stellar Lumens [XLM] to revolutionize crypto-transfers by partnering with KeyBase
Bibox lists NEO
NEO surpasses Cardano [ADA] to gain 6th position
VeChain has been really busy in the last 30 days
Can we all take a minute to congratulate Binance on continually being the best exchange when it comes to transparency and PR
Bithumb Looks to Enter the Bitcoin ATM Market
When idiots keep spreading news about the "Binance Hack" instead of doing 5 seconds of research
Alibaba Cloud signs Strategic Partnership to use Waltonchain in Smart City development across China
SegWit Adoption Leads To 50% Cutdown In Bitcoin Withdrawal Fee
Bitcoin Keeps Attracting Trillionaire Institutional Investors
San Francisco’s Citizens Can Now Buy Ice Cream With Bitcoins
South Korean Travel Site with Over 50,000 Hotels to Accept 12 Cryptocurrencies
Fat Taiwan Airline Accepts Bitcoin Payments for Plane Tickets
Bitcoin and Ethereum Now Available at 1,200 Australian Newsstands
This Steemit Channel is created to give you a deeper understanding of the "hidden" and growing crypto world.
News will be shared here to keep giving my community members information on the crypto world today.
Here you can expect information regarding Bitcoin, Blockchain and Crypto Assets.
I am a hobby investor. I am not a financial advisor. Please do not take anything I say as tips or advice. I am only sharing what I am thinking, and what I am doing.
Always do your own diligence
NEVER invest any more then you are willing to lose.
Start Bitcoin mining today with SGG ( recommended cloud mining )
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