XAPO enables buying Bitcoins in Venezuela
The XAPO - one of the largest providers in the world Bitcoin wallet - enabled the purchase of Bitcoin for the people of Venezuela, which is a country that crosses one of the most severe economic crises in its history.
The company enabled the purchase of BTC through its site, while the lowest value possible to purchase is $ 50. Given that the minimum wage currently in Venezuela is about $ 50 - that disregarding the huge unemployment rate - there will be many people able to buy Bitcoin there.
XAPO opened a bank account in the Banesco, the leading private bank in Venezuuela (most other banks were seized and nationalized by the government). Users will be able to send physical currency to any other account using technology and safety of Bitcoin.
Venezuela is - currently - one of the countries with the highest levels of inflation in the world, so it is no wonder that the Bitcoin will become more popular as a technological way to protect the depreciation of money because inflation.
It is a remarkable increase in the volume of transactions BTC there for some time now.
Until the release of XAPO, the Venezuelans had only basically like buying cryptocurrency through LocalBitcoins and transactions p2p.