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Leeches on the loose mate @crypt0 see here:
Hello @Crypto, I heard you announce on your YouTube channel that you are putting your faith in Bitcoin Cash rather then Bitcoin now. You had said, you think Bitcoin Cash is the true Bitcoin. I appreciate your opinion, Im not sure I agree though. is the #1 Cryptocurrency Exchange!
As always great summary of news @crypt0.
Awesome live stream man! Was able to catch it on the way home from work. Tons of great news further fueling the bull market. We are all moonward bound with Lambos in sight.
Wow, that really is a lot of news!
Great round up, lots going on and all of it looking good!
Really interesting to see Russia starting to get serious about mining, wonder when other governments are going to start to realize what's going on.
So much great information here! Thanks for the great work guys :D
Appreciate the updates @crypt0
I have written a review of a very perspective changing book on my profile. Please read and upvote if you find it interesting
Awesome stuff, Tons of great news good stuff.
Agree with you, Russian government supports cryptocurrencies. In fact President Putin comes with his own coin, the Putin Coin. Therefore, Russia become a mining hub of the future.
I'm loving your blog @crypto Thank You