Cryptogene: Africa, on Her Way to Pull Out of Third-World
Cryptogene, a cryptocurrency based in Africa is set to proffer blockchain solution on Africa continent. Africa is about taking over the space of crypto world in shortest period of time. How can these be done?
By exposing Africans to blockchain technology through social media, meetups, and one on one engagement.
By introducing autochtonous digital currencies which cryptogene community has leveraged on to better the continent.
The various African governments should incorporate the idea of Cryptocurrency in their national policies.
Businesses should be encouraged into accepting digital currencies as a means of payment for their products and services.
The answer is yes. Africa is riped for the survival of Cryptocurrency, and so far has shown willingness. The rate at which Nigerians invested in scam coins that found their ways into African shore was unbelievable.
I remember my childhood friend in my countryside who invested over 500,000 naira in one of these coins. This is a guy who trades in the rural area, and out of his hard earned money, he invested after so much conviction. He tried talking me into it when I visited home last Christmas but because I was already involved in one, I turned him down. Today, it is clear what those coins really are.
With this experience, it is clear people are sceptical over everything whiteman introduces. Many Nigerians lost fortune for investing on Ponzi scheme that claimed to be cryptocurrency, reason many are finding it difficulty to accept the genuine one.
Africa is ready for crypto blockchain because of the appreciative level of education in Africa. Many can read and write in both their native language and atleast one foreign language.
The availability of GSM cum social platforms like steemit, Africans can access the world over. Also with the introduction of Android phone that is highly compliant, many more people are ready to be involved in the business of blockchain.
Africans are enthusiastic to pull out of third-world definition. They are hardworking people, and are determined to kick away poverty on the continent.
Africans are patient people. Despite their hardship and suffering, you see them persevere, full of hope.
They are also believing people. You can see the two major religions in the world, Christianity and Islam, having strong foothold in Africa. Very religious set of being.
We have every quality to become successful people but there are external forces that cannot allow that. This is a discussion of another day.
Africa is making a headway into blockchain technology. Cryptogene is the first of its kind. With cryptogene, a successful road is created into the space of Cryptocurrency in which many will follow suit.
You cannot afford to miss this opportunity as those who join this community will soon become trailblazers. They will become examples others will follow.
Pre-ICO has been concluded and ICO will begin 24 of this month.
A wake-up call to all African communities and non-Africans communities is in the offing so that no one Misses it. Invest during the ICO and be part of this uncommon technological experience on African shore. Get friends and family members informed and posted.
You want to know more? Meet the team behind cryptogene
See you on ICO day, 24th September, 2017
That's awesome. Thanks for sharing.
You are welcome