Carl Icahn, renowned businessman "could invest about 1,000 million dollars in cryptocurrencies".

in CryptoDog4 years ago

div class="text-justify">Written by:Diomer Antonio Galán Rincón.

Bachelor's Degree.Public Accounting /


The renowned businessman and investor known in the business world as Carl Icahn, said he wants to enter the world of cryptocurrencies very soon as we say in my country through the big door, where he said he would seriously enter with a possible investment of about 1,000 million dollars in an alternative currency, this he said during an interview with Bloomberg.

Image taken from:Pixabay

The businessman Icahn, who currently enjoys a net worth of 22 billion dollars, was able to reveal that they still do not have in their investment portfolio any cryptocurrency, and is studying together several cryptocurrencies very seriously to determine where the opportunities are and make the investment highlighting that he has been attracted to bitcoin and ethereum. He also stated that these assets are gaining a lot of popularity as a natural consequence of inflation in the economy.

On the other hand, he pointed out that there are many criticisms to cryptocurrencies because some of them do not have an underlying value and in his opinion these statements are wrong. He also stated and gave as an example for the detractors that the only value of the dollar is that you can use it to pay taxes. He also assured that he is very happy and analyzing the whole cryptocurrency business to get involved in it.

Author: @dgalan,through Power Point 2010 tool, and using the image of the portal

The investor thinks that people today are looking for alternative currencies because the stock market is full of them and they can be traded at "absurd prices", and refers not only to the so-called 'meme stocks' (stocks driven by jokes or campaigns in Internet forms such as the case of GameStop), but also those offered by fund managers.

Carl Icahn acknowledged that some time ago he called Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies ridiculous, assuring that he would never own some of them, however he made it clear that it was because he had no knowledge or understanding of them.

However, to conclude his interview he said in my opinion many cryptocurrencies that are now in circulation could disappear, considering that they need to have some kind of security value associated with them.


If this type of investment is made, it would be an important and interesting stimulus to know how the market is composed, especially if such investment were to materialize in Bitcoin. It could also serve to encourage other investors to follow Icahn's example.

I hope you like my article and I would appreciate all your comments.




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