Creepy GIF Contest #3 Winners
Announcing the winners of my 'Creepy AF gif' contest!
Another awesome edition of the creepy gif contest comes to a close, and it goes without a doubt to say that I enjoy seeing people share their tastes in horror through this contest. I'm a horror fan, and the wonderful contestants do their best to find me the weirdest, grossest, scariest gif and explain why it creeped them out.
You can read about the previous contests here:
3rd Edition
2nd Edition || 2nd Edition Winners
1st Edition || 1st Edition Winners
This edition got the maximum participation so far, and it makes me really glad! Unfortunately, few entries didn't follow the rules (they needed to explain why the gif creeped them out).
My job was really tough to pick the winners out of all the wonderful entries, but the top 3 in no particular order (with their winning comments and gifs) are as follows:
Link to my post for more details in the creation of this GIF - link. Scary movies are one of my favorite movie genres but when it comes to urban legends and creepy tales, those really freak me out. This is one of those creepy tales that will disturb you the most, because the image of an inoccent child is nothing to worry about until you realize that it's more than that, a real demon. This is one that will haunt you forever. The twist is that I decided to create it myself because that's what I do; draw. I also thank @jznsamuel and @ocd for their support to my blog. This is my entry. I hope you like it. Thank you.
The Indonesian people are certainly aware of the existence of the ghosts in the form of "pocong", some believe that "pocong" is a manifestation of the deceased. @jznsamuel. 😁😁This ghost is also often aired on TV Indonesia through a horror movie.
I remember that my mother was a teacher and left us with a "nanny".
The nanny insulted us and hit my brother, who was only 2 years old.
My older brother and I, hid under the bed, but she saw us and said:
"Whoever says something, I'm going to cut his tongue with this knife"
When my mother came home, we told her what happened and she decided to dismiss the nanny. But I was always afraid that the nanny would fulfill his promise and back.
The prizes have been sent to the winners and I hope you enjoyed the contest as much as I enjoyed conducting it.
Watch out for another exciting edition soon!.
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I am very happy to have won the contest, it is very entertaining, friend @jznsamuel, I wish you a lot of success on the platform, thank you!
congratulations to the winners, a very interesting contest.
Wow! Thank you very much! Congratulations to the winners! @jznsamuel
congratulations to the winners. You guys are the best
Congrats to the winners!
Those are some really scary GIFs. The authors have done a good work here.
Thanks @jznsamuel, I am happy to follow you and I am also happy to win the contest from you. I also thank all friends who have commented on the post @jznsamuel.
when is the nest contest coming up