in #covid-19last year (edited)



At the end of the year 2023, time flies, and it is as if we have travelled back to a time when life used to be like that, when the streets were bustling and people were busy and full of life. However, the flame of socialism still burns in the streets, the red flag flutters in the breeze, and everything seems to be on a trajectory of prosperity.


In a society that seems to have returned to normalcy, there seems to be an uncanny silence, a power to bury the past in silence. Looking back over the past year, it seems that people have forgotten the SARS epidemic that once raged, or, more accurately, have consciously chosen not to remember it. Beneath the surface of this laughter, there seems to be a layer of unspeakable secrets.


At one time, people were forced to wear masks and queue for this nucleic acid test. The city became cold and crowded. Health care workers, like white-clad warriors, fought on the front line in defence of life. Nowadays, these scenes seem to have become distant memories, wiped out by time and diluted by the authorities' tactics. Their faces have quietly disappeared from the pages of history, as if it had never happened.


In the depths of my heart, there have been countless struggles. I decided to write these words, not for any other purpose than to think that we must not let memories fall silent, that we should not allow forgetting to become a luxury. So I began to wonder whether people really forget, or whether, for some unspeakable reason, they choose to remain silent.


This specious forgetfulness, however, makes me feel even more firmly that we cannot let this history be annihilated in silence. As Lu Xun said, "A nation cannot be without memory, without morality, without conscience, without always fooling around unconsciously, and fooling around every day, every moment."


I promise that what I have written is true. I will include as much historical evidence as I can still find. Of course, there will be parts of it whose origins can no longer be traced. But I give you my word of honour. Everything I have written is fully true. I may include some of my personal experiences in the midst of the epidemic. I will be fair in describing all my personal experiences and will not bring in any personal emotions. I am simply describing what I have seen from the perspective of an ordinary person living in China. I don't want to describe this from a God's point of view.


I just want to keep this memory alive in my own small way. To keep the memory of history alive, even if some people want to bury it in the abyss of time. It's an obsession with truth, an insistence on history, and a hope that people will see the truth of the past and not be blinded.


t all needs to start with 2019. I vaguely remember a day in mid-December. I saw a message on my phone. I remember it was a tweet. It probably meant that a suspected unexplained atypical pneumonia had been found in the city of Wuhan. I remember it was posted by a personal number, an unofficial message. I also shared this information with a friend of mine who is a doctor. He told me that there was no need to worry at the moment because there could be many causes of SARS. It may not always be caused by the coronavirus. And there are many other factors to consider, such as whether there is human-to-human transmission. Even if it is true that SARS is making a comeback or a similar new virus, the CDC will surely take it seriously in the first place, after all, this is no joke. We haven't seen any official news yet either. He suggested waiting to see the official release.


With his answer, the matter was not on my mind. However, during this period of time, I could still see similar information released on the Internet one after another. There were also news reports of cases being transferred to the Wuhan Infectious Disease Control Hospital and the Jinyintan Hospital. Strangely enough, none of this information was officially debunked or censored.

直到12月30日。我才看到了两则疑似出自官方的信息。是来自于武汉市卫生健康委员会的。题目为《关于报送不明原因肺炎救治情况的紧急通知》,《关于做好不明原因肺炎救治工作的紧急通知》。这是我第一次看到官方层面的证实。(关于做好不明原因肺炎救治工作的紧急通知 - 维基文库,自由的图书馆 (同时网络上也出现了更多相关的信息,并且越来越多的信息中开始使用疑似SARS和疑似非典肺炎的词。也可开始呼吁在武汉的群众戴上口罩,避免聚集,及时就医等。而在12月30日的时候,金银滩医院已经接收了至少27名疑似病人。("重组"金银潭:疫情暴风眼的秘密 | 南方周末 (。

It wasn't until the 30th of December. I saw two pieces of information that appeared to be official. It was from the Wuhan Municipal Health and Wellness Commission. It was titled "Emergency Notice on Reporting the Treatment of Unexplained Pneumonia" and "Emergency Notice on Doing a Good Job of Treating Unexplained Pneumonia". This is the first time I've seen confirmation at the official level. (Emergency notice on doing a good job of treating unexplained pneumonia - Wikipedia, the free library ( Meanwhile more relevant information has appeared on the web, and more and more information has begun to use the words suspected SARS and suspected SARS pneumonia. People in Wuhan were urged to wear masks, avoid gatherings and seek medical attention. As of 30 December, at least 27 suspected patients had been admitted to the Jinyintan Hospital. ("Reorganising" Jinyintan: the secret in the eye of the epidemic storm | Southern Weekend (

就在同一天,我还在网上看到。开始出现一个武汉医学院2004级班级微信群的截图。里面一个叫做"李文亮 武汉 眼科"的用户发布了几条信息。

On the very same day, I also read online. A screenshot of a WeChat group for the class of 2004 at the Wuhan Medical School began to appear. In it, a user called "Li Wenliang Wuhan Ophthalmology" posted several messages.



Yes, this is the same Dr Li Wenliang who later became known as the Whistle Blower after being admonished by the police.


That same day my friend called me. Told me to stop walking around and buy more masks and disinfectant. Wear a mask and go out. It's best not to go out for a while if nothing happens. So I started calling my family and friends one after another. Reminding them of protection. Of course, a lot of people thought I was being alarmist. I understood them very well, after all, it's quite normal. I started to set out to buy essentials including masks from online and drugstores. I remembered that at that time, 3m's Taobao shop still had N95 masks for purchase. So I purchased some of both, but not a lot. About 100 masks in total and 10 bottles of disinfectant. At least I thought it was enough for me and my family. I also started to check online about SARS and how to protect myself.

12月31日。早上打开手机,看到了第一批国家卫健委所派出的专家组抵达武汉。(武汉发现不明原因肺炎 国家卫健委专家组已抵达武汉新闻频道中国青年网 (后来在更多报道出现之后,我才知道在行动的不仅仅有国家卫健委。同日凌晨1点半,李文亮医生也接到电话,要求其去武汉市卫健委。
31st December. I turned on my mobile phone in the morning and saw that the first group of experts sent by the National Health Commission had arrived in Wuhan. (Unexplained Pneumonia Found in Wuhan, NHSC Expert Group Arrives in Wuhan_News Channel_China Youth Net ( Later, after more reports appeared, I realised that the NHSC was not the only one on the move. At 1:30 a.m. on the same day, Dr Li Wenliang also received a call asking him to go to the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission.

("12月31日凌晨1点半,李文亮接到电话,要求其去武汉市卫健委。"当时卫健委连夜开会,应该是应对疫情的会议,我们医院院领导、医务室主任都参加了。"会议结束后,院领导询问了李文亮消息来源,于凌晨4点多送他回家。到了白天,李文亮又去了两三次医院监察科,反复被询问消息来源以及是否认识到"造谣的错误",并要求其写一份"不实消息外传"的反思与自我批评。"段落引自李文亮去世10小时 国家监委决定赴武汉全面调查_手机新浪网 (

("At 1:30 a.m. on 31 December, Li Wenliang received a call asking him to go to the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission. "At that time, the Health Commission held a meeting overnight, which was supposed to be a meeting to deal with the outbreak, which was attended by our hospital's hospital leaders and medical office directors." After the meeting, the hospital leadership asked Li Wenliang sources, sent him home at 4:00 am. During the day, Li Wenliang went to the hospital's monitoring department two or three more times, and was repeatedly asked about the source of the news and whether he recognised the "mistake of rumour-mongering", and was asked to write a reflection and self-criticism of "spreading untrue news."" (Paragraph quoted from Li Wenliang died 10 hours after the National Supervisory Commission decided to go to Wuhan to conduct a comprehensive investigation _ mobile phone Sina (

当天的下午,我又看到了一条官方信息《武汉市卫健委关于当前我市肺炎疫情的情况通报》。这是第一条武汉卫健委关于这个情况的第一个公告。公告表示"未发现明显人传人现象,未发现医务人员感染。目前对病原的检测及感染原因的调查正在进行中。"(武汉市卫生健康委员会-文件明细 (。同时网上也出现了很多乐观的声音。我忘记是谁了,有一个微博账号,我记得很清楚。他说的大致意思就是,武汉有最先进的病毒实验室,这种东西对于武汉来说简直就是小问题。但是我不敢肯定他是否是这天发的,但是大概时间差不多。

In the afternoon of the same day, I saw another official message, "Wuhan Municipal Health Commission's briefing on the current pneumonia epidemic in the city". This was the first announcement from the first Wuhan Health Commission about the situation. The announcement said, "No obvious human-to-human transmission has been detected, and no infections among medical staff have been detected. Detection of the pathogen and investigation of the cause of the infection are currently underway." (Wuhan Municipal Commission of Health and Wellness - Document Detail ( Meanwhile there are a lot of optimistic voices online. I forget who it was, there was a microblogging account that I remember well. He said something along the lines that Wuhan has state-of-the-art virus labs, and that this kind of stuff is simply a minor problem for Wuhan. But I'm not sure if he posted it on this day, but probably around the same time.


When I saw the announcement and the information on the internet, I kept laughing at my family. They say it's probably just the flu. I'm all about conspiracy theories and alarmism. They even told me to return the masks and sanitiser I ordered. But I always had a feeling it wasn't that simple. I argued reasonably. In the end we cancelled our plans to go out on New Year's Day across the border. Chose to stay at home.



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