Hi, My Name is Erin - the Open Minded Traveler in Colombia Original

in Colombia-Original4 years ago

I was on my way to Peru, when an email arrived in my inbox which changed my life forever. I was invited to come to Colombia and teach English with a LEGAL work visa and decent pay! Without thinking twice, I called my mom back in Reno, NV USA and had her help me change my ticket to fly out for Bogota from where I was on layover in Atlanta, Georgia.

Within an hour I was on a plane headed to the most exotic and beautiful country on the continent.

Open Minded Traveler - Hi My Name Is Erin.jpg

Now, 8 1/2 years, a baby, and so many incredible experiences later, I am permanently settled here in Colombia. Originally, I came here as an English Teacher, but time and experience allowed me to find my true passion: Cultural Journalism and Photography. I run several websites - one which is where the name Open Minded Traveler comes from, but my main focus is CoffeeAxisTravel.com.

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I still teach English - working exclusively with executives, public servants, professionals, and anyone who wants to polish their abilities for better communication, work, travel or study abroad. Here I am with my newest student, the governor of Caldas, Luis Carlos Velasquez.

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One thing that the Plandemic has taught me, is that life can change in an instant and we must always have a Plan A, Plan B, and if possible Plan C.

Steemit, is somewhere between Plan B and Plan C. It has given me the chance to put back a bit of savings in Cryptocurrency, generated by nothing more than hot air and an amazing group of people around the world who have enjoyed and upvoted my writings.

I joined Steemit originally, in 2017, one year after it was created. My mother who is a complete genius drove me nuts about joining and finally I did.

Obviously I haven't really been as consistent as some of the hero's on here who are 100% rock solid champions. But, the COVID-19 crisis brought me back and has even given me the current nest egg which I am growing via lots of STEEM, persistence, and patience.

A Little Bit More About Me

I was born in Denver, Colorado, USA

Grew up on a small ranch in Reno, Nevada.

My life passions are horses, writing, travel, dance, and gastronomy.

Every day that I am not traveling, I go walking with my dog and do tai chi for inner quiet, focus and inspiration.

I am the oldest of four, and the only girl. My mother also lives here with me.

My favorite food in the world is Mexican, but I also love Sancocho de Espinazo and the classic Paisa breakfast of huevos pericos, calentado, arepa con queso, and hot chocolate.

My two favorite leisure activities are dancing and cabalgatas, or horse rides.

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Going Forward

It is an honor and a pleasure to be in Colombia Original - the Original Steemit group for people who live in the most amazing country in the world, yes I am biased. One of my goals is to consistently write for my Steemit blog to continue to promote Colombia as a viable destination for tourism and lifestyle.

For more information check out my original website about Colombia where my journey started: OpenMindedTraveler.com

Or, simply follow me on Steemit as I continue to recount my adventures and experiences!


 4 years ago 

Hola Erin, me atrevo a escribirte en español porque se que lo entiendes, y dominas mejor el español que yo el inglés je je je
Bienvenida, un placer tener por aquí. Y espero seguir viéndote por estos lados cautivando nos con tus imágenes.
Es bueno saber un poco más de ti y de como llegaste a este país, genial.

Hola Jose, lo que mas me gusta de Steemit son los amistades y comunidades que he participado. Es un gusto estar aqui otra vez con usted y los que voy a conocer, escribiendo mi amor para Colombia. Cuenta conmigo. Pronto una tema con mis fotografias! Un abrazo y mis saludos a Franyeli!

¡Hola, Erin! Espero poder aprender mas inglés contigo y poder entender a profundidad todos los post que colocas.

Seria muy buena escribir un post enfocado en la tema de ingles. Me esta dando ideas. Mucho gusto y hasta pronto!

 4 years ago 

Amiiiigaaaa que bueno tenerte aquí me siento en #thediarygame donde nos conocimos siempre te he dicho si necesitas una asistente me avisas jajajajajaj eres súper especial amas mucho a Colombia creo que eres más colombiana que muchos por allí espero ver más fotos de tus viajes bienvenida ❤️🌼😁

Ay Helen, ya sabes que donde llegamos ahi estamos, ni importa de donde venimos. Como siempre es un gusto escuchar de ti! Y, cuando puedes pegarle la visita al Eje Cafetero te recibo con mucho gusto!!! Un abrazo!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.14
TRX 0.23
JST 0.031
BTC 86722.45
ETH 2061.41
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.82