The Boomiverse... Hootie-Hoo!

in #coin-art7 years ago (edited)

In light of the SuperbOwl result... Needed to show some love for that other "Philly bird"...
(Credit for the play on words goes to Jason Goodman of Crowdsource the Truth)... I liked it.

Acres of Diamonds helps one in "Finding Richness in the Dark." It is a true work of art in my mind.



[-Love is the grandest thing on God's earth, but fortunate the lover who has plenty of money. Money is power: money has powers; and for a man to say, "I do not want money," is to say, "I do not wish to do any good to my fellowmen."

-"The love of money is the root of all evil." Oh, that is it. It is the worship of the means instead of the end. Though you cannot reach the end without the means. When a man makes an idol of the money instead of the purposes for which it may be used, when he squeezes the dollar until the eagle squeals, then it is made the root of all evil. Think, if you only had the money, what you could do for your wife, your child, and for your home and your city.

-I pity a rich man's son. A rich man's son in these days of ours occupies a very difficult position. They are to be pitied. A rich man's son cannot know the very best things in human life. He cannot.

-Let the man who loves his flag and believes in American principles endeavor with all his soul to bring the capitalists and the laboring man together until they stand side by side,and arm in arm, and work for the common good of humanity.
He is an enemy to his country who sets capital against labor or labor against capital.

So keep your Eagles, me, I'll take the Owl.


Nice Coin Art Photo... When the Bills come Due, it's nice to have Money... I started out pretty small with my Coin Man and as I came home and added my loose coins, it kept growing... I'm still adding to Coin Man...

COIN MAN by @pocketechange ...A penny may cost a dollar...

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