Cognitive-dissonance vs Open-minded
Cognitive dissonance vs Open-minded
Category 1 intelligence: Symptoms of Cognitive dissonance
Ignorance; lack of knowledge or information
synonyms: incomprehension of, unawareness of, unconsciousness of, unfamiliarity with, inexperience with, lack of knowledge about, lack of information about.
Stupidity; behaviour that shows a lack of good sense or judgment
Synonyms: lack of intelligence, foolishness, denseness, brainlessness, ignorance, dull-wittedness, slow-wittedness, doltishness.
Servitude; the state of being a slave or completely subject to someone more powerful
Synonyms: slavery, enslavement, bondage, subjugation, subjection, domination; historical serfdom
"Born into a life of servitude"
Impressionable; adjective: impressionable
Easily influenced because of a lack of critical ability.
Synonyms: easily influenced, suggestible, susceptible, persuadable, pliable, malleable, pliant, trusting, naive, innocent, wide-eyed, credulous, gullible
Category 2 intelligence: Attributes of the Open-mind
Critical thinking; the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue and or challenge to form a judgment.
"professors often find it difficult to encourage critical thinking amongst their students"
Common sense: good sense and sound judgment in practical matters.
"Use your common sense"
Synonyms: good sense, sense, native wit, sensibleness, judgment, levelheadedness, prudence, discernment, canniness, astuteness, shrewdness, wisdom, insight, perception, perspicacity
Enlightened; having or showing a rational, modern, and well-informed outlook.
Synonyms: informed, well informed, aware, sophisticated, advanced, developed, liberal, open-minded, broad-minded, educated, knowledgeable, wise; civilized, refined, cultured, cultivated
Ricardo J. Raposo
-Acknowledging Wikipedia for the definitions-