Cocaine, Mountain Climbing and ancient races of Peru.

in #cocaine7 years ago (edited)

It was early 2014, summer time, when I first stepped foot on Peruvian soil. The last 10 months had seen me living in Brazil, living on nothing but cocaine and bad decisions. Needless to say, I had the devil in my eyes and my body and mind were feeling the wrath of unholy sin. I was staying at a small shack in Agua Calientes, a small little town at the base of mount mama pichu. I was hosted up with the girlfriend from hell and a bag of Bolivias finest cocaine. I myself had decided to take a break from the winter festivites, aka the snow sniffing, as i wanted to be as sober as possible. The girl friend however, needed what she needed and therefore I was forced to travel with the shit, for her sake, i promise. Peru and all her ancient glories were something that i had been fascinated with since i was a kid and i didn't want to 'blow' the whole experience by having a head full of coke. cooked.jpg

Soooo D-day rolls around. I dont want to bore whoever is reading this with the finer details of our hike to the top of the summit, but i will tell you this. it was hard. imagine one of the most strenuous athletic experiences you've ever had, now imagine doing that whilst coming down on coke, in 100 degree plus weather, with a bat shit crazy gf nagging and complaining to you every step of the way. i will say tho, the view was fucking epic. photos are bellow, they paint a thousand words.

So i finally reach the top and hoooooly fuck, game changer. when I reached the summit my body started surging with a new found energy. All the pains and aches from the last year of coke binging totally gone. all the stress from Mexican cunt face.. gone. all the lactic acid build up that was burning in my legs, totally gone! I mean it was something else. in fact i remember actually doing push ups with my fucking hiking back pack on. I couldn't believe how good I felt. I think i busted out at least 30, with my fucking bag on. it was really somthing else. Now, i don't know if i was just getting a second wind due to me being somewhere I had always dreamt of being or if its because machu pichu is an energy center of our Plane-et and i was channeling some kind of ancient kundalini energy straight into my chakaras, fucken wam! i really dont know, but im gonna go with latter. What i can tell you tho with absolute certainty is that, my mojo chakra really did need some re allingment after lil miss mexica had been strangling the fuck out of it with her vodoo pussy.


So yeah, they say that machu pichu is an energy center of the world and I find it interesting that even today, machu pichu is still an area of massive energy creation. What i mean by this, is that today at the base of the mountain, lies one of the biggest hydro electirca stations in the world. in other words, there is a gigantic fucking power station at the bottom of Machu Pichu and it generations huge amounts of electricty from the heaving flowing waters of machu pichu! The power station is also guarded by a bunch of crazy fuks with AK-47.


There is a powerful spiritual energy and also a powerful kinetic energy within the waters at machu pichu. The ancients knew this and is why they decided to take the strenuous efforts of building a city on top of a mountain. they literally carved into the mountain top. This is a serious achievment. We still don't know much about the people that lived here. Unlike many of the other cultures that were found by the spanish conquerors, machu pichu was found abandoned by archeologist's. Now imagine that. you're on an expedition deep in the jungle, nothing around, and you see this beautiful mountain that looks like an Indians face. Something tells you to climb it. fuck it, why not right? you and your team get to the top, and bango! You find a fucken ancient city all over grown. Now that would have been a buzz. 'So whats the deal with the people who lived here?' you would think to yourself. Did they just one day decide to up and dip? Basically we know nothing, but the fact that there was once somebody there, they built some really epic shit and then dissapeared into thin air. we dont even know when!


The people here were a very spiritual culture. probably descended from the ancient continent Lemuria and headed east after the flood to America. Their physical appearance was also different. One clue we have of what these people look like is the elongated skulls that have been excavated and found in the area.


I Believe that there was 2 races of people here and the reason for that is because there is clearly two types of archetecture at the machu pichu. There is the incredibly large, perfectly cut stones that seem to fit into each other like tetris blocks.


Then there is the typical stone stack, with rocks that havent been cut and fit into place with a sort of mud mortar.


Techniquely speaking there is three types of archetecture. the third is that of today. What we have been building, ie; the fucken tourist buildings and the fucken road up the mountain that the bus takes.


So heres my conclusion. There was the first people. The Mu. The ones with the elongated skulls who came from Lemuria. These guys were the ones that actually cut into the mountain top and layed the foundation. They also somehow quarried the massive stones, dragged them up the mountain, cut them with laser precision and fit them together like Tetris blocks. Perhaps while they were doing this they were teaching the indigenous of the area also and helped to start a civilization. They were much more spiritual and had technologies we cant imagine.
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The second people here where the indegeneous/native americans. These guys were either originally with the Mu living alongside them learning a thing or two and then when the Mu left they continued to live there doing the best they could. building some pretty cool stuff but nothing on the scale of what the Mu did. Another possibility is that the natives stumpled upon this place after the Mu had already left. They saw the giant megalithic structures, the terraces cut into the mountains and thought, sweet lets move in. I think though that the first possibilty is more probable tho because the natives spoke of tall gods with white beards and elongated skulls that came from the sky to teach them things. After an extended time of the Mu's absence, things got a little messed up. Human sacrifices were made to try bring back the gods, and a whole bunch of other whack shit. Actually when the white man came to America in boats a lot of these Aztec cities showered them in gold and women thinking that they were in fact their old gods returning. oh how wrong they were.
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The third people are us. Tourists.

Ill be writting more in the future about how Hawaii links into this, and showing some evidence to suggest the perhaps the Mu came from hawaii.

Aloha all.

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