Culture Vulture for CNers: a CN translation project|Steemit中文社區跨界翻譯行動——《文化讀癮.一週譯報》上線預告

in #cn-culturevulture7 years ago (edited)


Culture Vulture (#culturevulture) is a Steemit writing challenge initiated by @eroche. You may read here for more details and the latest update.

Culture Vulture for CNers is a cross-culture translation project in collaboration with @eroche and carried out by @deanliu and @ygern. We'll pick at least onr article every week and translate it into Chinese, aiming to bring cultural diversity to the #CN community.

  • All translated articles from this series will be published with permissions from the original authors.
  • Author's liquid reward (SBD) from this series will be used for supporting the Culture Vulture Challenge project (60%) and the selected participating original author (40%). The remaining author's reward (SP) will be shared among two project collaborators.
  • Article selection for this translation series is independent of, and hence has no impact on the Culture Vulture Challenge winner selection.
  • Articles pertinent to the Chinese culture would only be considered under special circumstances, as our primary purpose is to enable people from the cn community to see beyond their usual surroundings and connect with the versatile cultures around the globe.


我們這可愛的Steemit平台上,有意思的社區活動從來沒少過。這次,我們希望您能將目光轉向「Culture Vulture Challenge」( #culturevulture)!這是一位來自愛爾蘭的Steemian @eroche 所發起的跨文化英文寫作活動,每月選出優秀作品,贈予獎金。中文區我個人( @deanliu) 也曾經贊助支持過此項活動。

文化是這個活動的軸心。Steemit用戶來自世界各地,這個活動希望把地球各個角落的社會習俗、傳統儀式、飲食文化、宗教祭祀,乃至各地獨有的現代生活場景相關的原創文章,透過 #culturevulture 這個標籤集結在一起。

這裡的文章不是旅遊記錄,也不是美食攻略,而是在地人實實在在的生活紀事與文化經驗。來自全球各地的文章非常豐富多元,因此,啟發了我們的念頭,希望把這些有趣、多元的內容能夠透過我們認真的篩選與精細的翻譯,將這些在地的美好帶到cn社區人面前呈現,拓展視野、豐富生活。於是在 @deanliu@ygern 的討論下,今日終於開始了合作的成果《文化讀癮.一週譯報》——

這是一個翻譯行動,我們每週將至少精選一篇來自 #culturevulture 的文章,經原作者同意後翻譯成中文,以 #cn-culturevulture 標籤刊出。如果你願意,請跟著我們一起去探索這無窮而美好的世界!

這系列文章的作者收益,SBD部分60%將資助Culture Vulture Callenge項目,40%則回饋給原作者;SP部分則由兩位合作者共享。翻譯工作主要是由 @ygern負責。



以2017年9月為起點,配合新一波的Culture Vulture Challenge活動而開啟序幕。此次公告後,我們將立即開始挑選文章、徵詢作者,並開始進行翻譯與排版工作。希望在帶入世界文化饗宴的同時,也能帶給您高水準的翻譯內容以及版面的精緻化編排。



Thank you for taking part in this months #culturevulture competition. Good Luck

ok, so you have a bot serving for you.... lol.... thank you for doing this with us!

This is really going to open up culture vulture to a whole new audience.

Yeah, can't wait to have the first article! :D

Thank you for taking part in this months #culturevulture competition. Good Luck

I guess this is due to my editing. You might need to revise the bot. :)

I need to work on it a little. It has some small bugs🤔





thanks for this's very good...and china is a biggest country

And there is so much culture in China to share with the rest of the world. I cant wait to see some of the posts.

雙語的文章也可以參加 culture vulture 嗎?


補充一下,此帖與Culture Vulture只是合作關係,正式提問是否能參加等,請洽 @eroche

好的 謝謝您:)



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