Fuck It, Before It Fucks You #78 (Hey now. Hey now. What's the matter with you?)
Well Happy Friday ya’ll! I hope everyone is doing well out there in internet land, through these fucked up times we’re living in. I just finished watching “Too Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything. Julie Newma. It’s a fun movie with much too long of a title, but I think most people just call it Too Wong Foo. In any case, it has a good way of putting you in someone else’s shoes, and it was actually pretty damn relevant to what’s happening today. Nice feel-good ending where all the rednecks come out and stand up for the drag queens against the cops. Imagine what could be accomplished if all the poor, armed white people stood together with everyone else? But of course the corporate state can’t let that happen. They’ve been using racism to keep the lower classes fighting with each other for the last 400 years and it’s worked wonders. Throw some homophobia and transphobia into the mix, then use God to justify it and you can keep them fighting over table scraps forever.
So, when I see some people saying they’re willing to take the chance of spreading Coronis to fight racism, I’m totally down for it! I mean, for legal purposes this is satire, of course. But I don’t really have much moral objection to using biological warfare to bring this corrupt system to its knees, and then just let the chips fall where they may. I do think it’s a little weird though that even the CDC is ok with anti-racism protests of up to 100 people now. I’m pretty sure a virus doesn’t give a fuck what you’re protesting about, or even that you’re protesting. Virus don’t give a fuck. Virus just does it’s thing.
Veering off a little bit. I saw a confusing meme earlier this morning. It was a picture of a giant pacifier on a pedestal saying “America’s New National Monument.” and I really needed some clarification. I wasn’t sure if it was directed at the people who cry about a statue of a tractor being taken down, or the people who literally chased the police out of their neighborhood? By the way, in case you’re reading this from outside the Seattle area, let me reassure you that we are NOT on fire constantly at the moment. The worst things happening here are free haircuts and community gardens. Things are a lot more peaceful without the police around starting shit, it turns out.
But I do have a solution to police brutality, and crooked ass cops in general. Maybe the “good cops” I keep hearing about could arrest the bad ones? I mean, if it’s true that most cops are good, then it shouldn’t be that hard for them to catch the “few bad apples” right? And while you’re at it you can get those thousands of rape kits tested that ya’ll have just lying around collecting dust. I bet a few of those will lead you to some bad cops. I mean, it’s probably why they haven’t gotten tested. But I guess I have a lot of crazy, unrealistic ideas. I’m probably crazy. But what’s the alternative? Just being like everyone else, accepting everything society and the media and the government tell me? I can’t do it. Too much shit doesn’t add up too much of the time. So I’ll just keep on dreaming. I can still do that, right? If not, then all I can say is “Fuck it!” before it fucks you.