“The wise have WEALTH and LUXURY but fools spend whatever they get”
Proverbs 21:20 (NLT)
• Believers must grow in their walk with God, to always know God’s mind on whatever they want to do (Proverbs 3:5,6; 14:12).
- To a certain extent, a believer’s maturity level is known through his or her attitude towards money 💰—how they manage money.
- A believer needs to be prudent in spending (Proverbs 24:3,4).
- If God makes available for you a substantial amount of money, you need to ask Him how to spend it.
• God blesses with a purpose.
- If you did not know why God has made the money available, and you spent it wrongly, you may suffer for it.
- Any lump sum you received has a purpose—God has provided it for a reason.
• Money channels through you by God is not your money, you are a trustee— you will give account on how you managed it, how you spent it (Matthew 25:14-28; Luke 19:12-24).
- If you mismanaged the money God has made available for you, you may later regret on it.
- God has made money available for some people to invest in a business, to buy or build their own houses, but they wasted the money, they spent it wrongly (Luke 15:11-13).
- In your walk with God, if He has made provision, given you money to meet a particular need in your life, and you spent the money wrongly—you may find it difficult to raise another money to meet that particular need.
• Your submissiveness and faithfulness to God could be known through how you manage the resources, money, He permitted to pass through your hands.
- Someone said, ‘Since I worked for my money, do I need to ask God to lead me on how to spend it?’
- The money you made through your secular work as a believer is given to you by God. You may have used your energy, skill, professional expertise to work and earn the money, yet God is the one who gave you the power to make the money.
“And you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth…”
Deuteronomy 8:18 (NKJV) - Therefore, you need to ask Him how to use the money 💰.
- If God discovered you are not a good steward, you are extravagant—He may not promote you financially.
• Note: You may have spent the money in question on legitimate things, however, if it was not spent on God’s intended purpose, it is a waste.
- What you used the money for may be good, it may be a need also; however, if the money was not spent on God’s intended purpose, it is a waste!
• God chastises, disciplines, when you waste what He has made available for you (Hebrews 12:5,6).
- The severity of the discipline depends on:
~ Your heart condition when you realised you have spent the money wrongly (1 Samuel 15:17-23).
~ It also depends on your level of maturity in Him. If you are a baby Christian, the discipline may not be much, but for a mature believer, the discipline may be more severe. In
“For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.”
Luke 12:48 (NKJV)
• A number of believers are struggling financially today because they have not been prudent in spending, they have not been a good steward of God’s resources made available to them.
- You must give the ownership of your money and all you have to God. If Jesus is your Lord, He must be the Lord of all you have.
• Let God lead you in every area of your life, not only on money, but everything about your life.
• Grace to be prudent in spending is imparted to you in Jesus’ name.