A young man was shot in the chest by robbers and he was rushed to the hospital immediately. On getting there, the doctor tried removing the bullet but the young man refused shouting it's painful. Everyone around pleaded with him to allow the doctor take out the bullet, funny enough, he turned deaf ears and he died.
The story above is the exact picture of the result of UNFORGIVENESS in the life of a believer/Christian. Unforgiveness has destroyed so many Christians today. This sin has made many lose their place in Heaven.
This is a seed the devil plants in the heart of those who makes their heart available.
When your heart is full of unforgiveness, you imagine how many shots has been fired into your heart. When you refuse to let go and forgive, you end up killing yourself spiritually.
The Bible states it clearly in the Lord's prayer in Matthew 6, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And also when Peter asked Jesus how many times should I forgive my brother and he 490times.
Therefore you can't access God's forgiveness the very minute you allow unforgiveness reside in your heart.
Let me share my experience with you. I was deeply hurt by friend cos he betrayed me and never care to explain why. I was furious and bitter. I lost my sleep, I transferred my aggression to everyone around me, I lost my peace and the worst of it all is I lost the presence of God. My prayers became selfish and I refused to forgive him. The weight weighed me down. Then one day, as I was reciting the Lord's prayer, on getting to part that captured forgiveness. It reminded me of those I had refuse to forgive. I wept I had to let go of all the wrongs I held against him or any other person.
My peace, joy, sleep and most importantly, the Presence of God was restored in split of seconds.
You need to let go of that person today. If you think you deserve God's forgiveness then that person deserves your forgiveness first.
Unforgiveness leads to death.
Let Go!
Release that person!
Forgive them and free yourself.
Then will God forgive you too.
I love you but Jesus loves you most.