Recent Testimony
Mar 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
I left the Philippines a few months ago and first went to visit friends in Texas. They had a huge house and also let me have use of one of their cars. When I left there, I was headed to Alabama to visit friends there and to speak in a few churches. I knew before I left Texas that some folks in Alabama were going to provide a place for me to live and a loaner car to get around in.
While in Alabama I saw my friend Harry for the last time. He was 83 and a dear friend and a brother in Christ.
I took this photo in Texas
While I was in Alabama and ready to go to Virginia, I sent notes to my friends and family that I was coming, but I had no indicator that anyone would loan me a car. The place is very rural and not having a car would make it impossible to do anything. I was ready, but delayed my flight plans in hope of borrowing a car. So one night I asked God, not for a loaner car, but for a gift,
Most every trip I have made to America from the Philippines has set me back some financially. This trip was for me to get some work to provide for my family, adoption costs for our boy and some dental work for me.
So I asked God that someone would give me a car and I could drive it to Virginia from Alabama and then sell it just before returning to the Philippines
Two days later a lady gave me her car. I did not tell people this is what I asked God. I asked God in secret. I may have told my wife, but no one else. It is not because I think I deserve this gift. It is because I believe God has a way of meeting our needs and that He will also greatly bless the giver of the gift.
I am leaving for the Philippines on the 13th of this month. I have the car for sale now. One thing that is funny, two people prepared to loan me a vehicle and had already added me to their insurance. They just neglected to tell me. Sometimes we rob ourselves and our Heavenly Daddy the joy of the surprise and care that He has for all of us.
Abba Father, The Most Generous Person Ever
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Daddy William
I am so excited about my reunion with my precious and beloved family.
huh cool!
Yeah bro!