Podcast: On the Objective - Debt, Downgrades, And The Dollar - Chuck Coppes - 01.28.2018
Join Steven Menking (The Amateur Society) as he welcomes back Chuck Coppes (IDP Consulting Group) to discuss the prevailing trends in the economic landscape as 2018 rolls along. With China downgrading US debt, building the New Silk Road, and bringing the petroyuan online what will this year hold for the monetary balance between West and East? When the final debt bill comes due, will we see a reset, a collapse, or a war? What can investors do to protect themselves and their families during this volatile time?
Chuck Coppes
Website: http://chuckcoppes.com/
IDP Consulting Group: http://idpconsultinggroup.com/
On the Objective
Website: http://ontheobjective.org/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/OntheObjective
Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/on-the-objective
iHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/on-the-objective-28550447/
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