Under the CFR Bush with the CIA
Alternative Views #379: UNDER THE BUSH WITH THE CIA
Pol Pot was a Cambodian revolutionary and politician who served as the Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea from 1976 to 1979
Who was the Cambodian genocide against?
Genocide in Cambodia. By April 1975, a Communist group known as the Khmer Rouge, led by Pol Pot, seized control of Cambodia, renaming the country Democratic Kampuchea. Civil war had existed in Cambodia since 1970.
The Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE)
Alternative Views was one of the longest running Public-access television cable TV programs in the United States. Produced in Austin, Texas in 1978, it produced 563 hour-long programs featuring news, interviews and opinion pieces from a progressive political perspective. Show founders and on-air hosts, Douglas Kellner and Frank Morrow, produced the show on virtually no budget using facilities at Austin Community Television (ACTV) and The University of Texas at Austin.
Interest groups with stake in reform line up for meetings with House tax-writers
These tactics go further back a few decades (and or centuries or millennium):
Dodd Report to the Reece Committee on Foundations - 1954 - Robber Baron Hijacking of the USA
Norman Dodd served as chief investigator in 1953 for U.S. Congressman B. Carroll Reece Special Committee on Tax Exempt Foundations (commonly referred to as the Reece Committee). He investigated how the Carnegie Foundation for the advancement of teaching would manufacture a board of directors just as mustard gas developed from wartime research for medical manufacturing chemotherapy, approved by the Carnegie picked directors via medical school teachers to utilize in the medical industry. Norman Dodd and the Reece Committee concluded the Rockefeller and Carnegie Petrol-Chemical-Pharmaceutical interests were being facilitated by their non-profit business missions. William Avery Rockefeller Devil Bill, the traveling snake oil salesman of 19th century America has influence to this day. Rockefeller and Carnegie Bought out US Healthcare a century ago. In 1910, with support from John D. Rockefeller and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, the AMA funded Abraham Flexner with a grant to travel with the secretary of the AMA Council on Medical Education to medical schools then in existence. Norman Dodd and the Reece Committee addressed these Petrol-Chemical-Pharmaceutical interests being facilitated through non profit missions to shape and serve the American Medical industry with Rockefeller and Carnegie investments.
In 1954 the Reece Committee was enacted to investigate nonprofits which were welding huge control of our government and society.
VP George Bush and Felix Rodriguez aka "Max Gomez"
Robert Tosh Plumlee worked as a pilot for clandestine CIA flights. This included working for William Harvey, Tracy Barnes and Rip Robertson. Plumlee also worked as an undercover operative and contract pilot for the federal government during the "Drug War" during the presidency of Ronald Reagan. (Presidential Legacy investigative reporting, JFK release)
Pope Gregory XVI beatified Martin de Porres on October 29, 1837, and nearly 125 years later, Pope John XXIII canonized him in Rome on May 6, 1962. He is the patron saint of people of mixed race, and of innkeepers, barbers, public health workers and more, with a feast day on November 3.
Partisan Polygot of Portugal, plots of a Klein-Venedig plutocracy
Operation Condor was a campaign of political repression and state terror involving intelligence operations and assassination of opponents, was officially implemented in 1975 by the right-wing dictatorships of the Southern Cone of South America.
Maduro vows to free some jailed activists, raise Venezuela oil output
"Operation Fast and Furious""Gunwalking", or "letting guns walk", was a tactic of the Arizona Field Office of the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), which ran a series of sting operations between 2006 and 2011.
Evidence Calls for New Investigation Into the Murder of Marine Colonel James Sabow
NRA, Oliver North, Panama Papers,
This is relevant for civic exercise in the here and now.
18 U.S. Code § 1958 - Use of interstate commerce facilities in the commission of murder-for-hire
Paddock owned a company called Paradise Ranch, a joint venture with the Philippine Children’s Fund of America, a CA charity that “Provides a transitional home for American children we fly from the Philippines“.
CFR Bush code name
Operation 40
Fox Hunting
the sport of hunting a fox across country with a pack of hounds by a group of people on foot and horseback, a traditional sport of the English landed gentry.
Sister Patricia Fox:
Australian Nun Who Irked Philippine Leader Fights Expulsion
Guess who's just locked up £1.5bn Australian prison mega-contract? Our very own Serco UK prisoner escort scandal? They paid that money back!
What are U.S. District Court nominee Wendy Vitter's views on plans for American Fox hunting if not healthy parenting? 18 U.S. Code § 1958 ? Supreme Court Blocks Appeal, Allowing Arkansas To Restrict Medical Abortions The foxtrot is a smooth, progressive dance characterized by long, continuous flowing movements across the dance floor... Tango, Charlie.
The Fox Hunt: A Refugee’s Memoir of Coming to America
Book by Mohammed Al Samawi
Norman Dodd born in New Jersey, was a banker/bank manager, worked as a financial advisor and served as chief investigator in 1953 for U.S. Congressman B. Carroll Reece Special Committee on Tax Exempt Foundations.
Here is René Albert Wormser, author of Foundations: Their Power and Influence:
"The far-reaching power of the large [Tax Exempt] foundations and of the interlock, has so influenced the press, the radio, and even the government that it has become extremely difficult for objective criticism of foundation practices to get into news channels without having first been distorted, slanted, discredited and at times ridiculed ... Foundation activity has nowhere had a greater impact than in the field of foreign affairs. It has conquered public opinion and has largely established the international-political goals of our country ... It would be difficult to find a single foundation-supported organization of any substance which has not favored the U.N. or similar global schemes; fantastically heavy foreign aid at the burdensome expense of the taxpayer; meddling in the colonial affairs of other nations; and American military commitments over the globe. This was comparatively easy to accomplish because there was no organized or foundation-supported opposition. The influence of the foundation complex in internationalism has reached far into government, policy-making circles of Congress, and State Department ...The Council on Foreign Relations, another member of the international complex, financed both by the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations, overwhelmingly propagandizes the globalist concept. This organization became virtually an agency of the government when WWII broke out. The Rockefeller Foundation had started and financed certain studies known as the War and Peace Studies, manned largely by associates of the Council [CFR]; the State Department, in due course, took these studies over, retaining the major personnel which the CFR had supplied."
Office of Professional Responsibility
The CFR was studying a little country called Vietnam way back in 1953, just as soon as we were getting finished with Korea. From a New American article on CFR, a summary of this organization's design of the Vietnam War:
The tragic Vietnam War was run almost entirely by CFR members. William P. Bundy (CFR) drafted the Tonkin Gulf Resolution before the now-discredited Tonkin Gulf Incident even took place. Bundy’s father-in-law, Dean Acheson (CFR), as leader of a senior team of advisers nicknamed “the Wise Men,” persuaded Lyndon Baines Johnson to dramatically escalate the war beginning in 1965. And Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara (CFR) helped develop the “rules of engagement” (e.g., preventing the Air Force from attacking critical targets) that guaranteed the war’s disastrous prolongation. This generated a huge slide to the left among American college students. When Bundy left the State Department, David Rockefeller appointed him editor of the CFR’s journal Foreign Affairs. And McNamara, one of the leading architects of the Vietnam War debacle, became president of the World Bank.
How GDPR Will Transform Digital Marketing
Henry Kissinger is recruited into CFR at about this time, and was soon to become the CFR shining star. In 1957, he came out with his book, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, which he worked on at CFR headquarters in New York.
Paddock worked for government contractor Morton-Thiokol from 1985 to 1988
Public Corruption Unit
The 81st session of the Texas Legislature passed HB2086; this bill created the Public Corruption Unit within the Texas Department of Public Safety, under the responsibility of the Texas Ranger Division. The Texas Rangers are committed to fighting public corruption, as it relates to public officials, law enforcement officers, and others that hold a position of public trust. Fighting corruption is vital to preserving our democracy, protecting our borders, and securing our communities.
Thank you Texas CASA for your dedication to address issues.
Refugee babies kept behind bars in Texas
Your direction in advocacy networking is sought.
Religious Freedom Restoration abuse as warmongering via scaremongering
Independent investigation and oversight are necessary.
Critics question possible family detention center in Texas
It is difficult to discern underlying problems.
C.I.A. RUNS THE PEDOPHILE RINGS, N.S.A. Darpa global Sex Slave Industry
These issues are being addressed slowly. Cardinal Law and the movie Spotlight are being processed by many collectively. Vet, verb, make a careful and critical examination of (something). Pope tells bishops not to accept gay seminarians: report
Mexican silver coins in silky minority business history
A city-state is a sovereign state, also described as a type of small independent country, that usually consists of a single city and its dependent territories.
After Serco, what rights do asylum seekers have in detention?
What is the act of 1871?
The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 is an Act of Congress that repealed the individual charters of the cities of Washington and Georgetown and established a new territorial government for the whole District of Columbia.
There are many ongoing problems.
The Titles of Nobility Amendment is a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution. The 11th Congress passed it on May 1, 1810, and submitted to the state legislatures for ratification. It would strip United States citizenship from any citizen who accepted a title of nobility from an "emperor, king, prince or foreign power." On two occasions between 1812 and 1816 it was within two states of the number needed to become part of the Constitution. Congress did not set a time limit for its ratification, so the amendment is still pending before the states. Ratification by an additional 26 states is now needed for its adoption.
13th amendment title of nobility
Authorities in Texas contacted, your direction in how we may address these issues would be helpful doing business as Serenity Sells concerning ratification records of the US constitution with issues of 'autonomy' with the great state of Texas, with Texas constitution considerations of a Nation of Texas as to address political locus of control accounting for autonomy for sovereignty of the Nation of Texas in this hemisphere of the world. Ratification records of the US constitution coupled with advocacy and amendments to the Texas constitution by Texans, for Texans may serve the great state of Texas honoring the spirit of a Nation Building for Mexico, Central America and the American hemisphere.
The Monroe Doctrine was a United States policy of opposing European colonialism in the Americas beginning in 1823.
Controversial security firm Serco lobbies for US migrant detention contracts
Networking with multiple organization to create a task force, oversight and even nation building international campaign may be developed.
Serco: a bad deal for immigrant families and Jim Wells County
It may live up to the ethos of 'friends' with such aspects of ensuring 'guardianship' by taking ownership of these issues locally in the best possible manner. The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 is an Act of Congress that repealed the individual charters of the cities of Washington and Georgetown and established a new territorial government for the whole District of Columbia. Though Congress repealed the territorial government in 1874, the legislation was the first to create a single municipal government for the federal district.
CPS: 172 Texas children died from abuse, neglect in 2017
The name Texas, based on the Caddo word taysha (or tayshas) meaning "friends" or "allies", was applied by the Spanish to the Caddo themselves and to the region of their settlement in East Texas.
How friendly is it to kill a pretty young woman? What kind of state of being is this? Whom would license such services in such a state? Woman shot and killed by Border Patrol agent identified What may St. Martin de Porres judge and say of such behavior from a state of mind, from a state or municipality of heart from a state of being proposing nation building? Who is on for a fox hunt for the queen acting like they are civilized humans in a state of being friends? Whom may account for this addressing sovereignty?
Family of teen killed in Santa Fe shooting seeks $1M in wrongful death suit
"Six flags over Texas" is the slogan used to describe the six nations that have had sovereignty over some or all of the current territory of the U.S. state of Texas: Spain (1519–1685; 1690–1821), France (1685–1690), Mexico (1821–1836), the Republic of Texas (1836–1845), the Confederate States of America (1861–1865), and the United States of America (1845–1861; 1865–present).
¿Qué puede juzgar y decir San Martín de Porres sobre tal comportamiento desde un estado de ánimo, desde un estado o municipio de corazón desde un estado de proponer la construcción de una nación? ¿Quién está buscando una cacería de zorros para que la reina actúe como si fueran humanos civilizados en un estado de amistad? ¿A quién puede explicar esto dirigiendo la soberanía?
1,500 Migrant Children Remain Missing After Federal Agencies Lost Track Of Them
One of Mother Teresa's favorite texts in the Bible, which she often quoted to support her ministry to the poor, is "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me" (Matthew 25:40, 45, NIV).
Outrage Grows as Horror of Policy to Split Children and Parents at Border Becomes Clear
Que peut juger saint Martin de Porres d'un tel état d'esprit, d'un état ou d'une municipalité de cœur, d'un état d'être proposant la construction d'une nation? Qui est là pour une chasse au renard pour la reine agissant comme s'ils étaient des humains civilisés en état d'être amis? Qui peut expliquer cette souveraineté?
Partisan Polygot of Portugal, plots of a Klein-Venedig plutocracy
Was kann der hl. Martin de Porres über ein solches Verhalten aus einem Geisteszustand, aus einem Staat oder einer Gemeinde mit einem Staat, der einen Nationaufbau vorschlägt, beurteilen und sagen? Wer ist auf einer Fuchsjagd für die Königin, die sich verhält, als wären sie zivilisierte Menschen in einem Freundschaftszustand? Wen könnte diese Souveränitätsfrage erklären?
What may St. Martin de Porres judge and say of such behavior from a state of mind, from a state or municipality of heart from a state of being proposing nation building? Who is on for a fox hunt for the queen acting like they are civilized humans in a state of being friends? Whom may account for this addressing sovereignty?