There are different points of view regarding what scientific research is depending on the method and the goals pursued. Now, from the purely scientific point of view, research is a methodical and systematic process aimed at solving scientific questions or problems, through the production of new knowledge, which is the solution or answer to such questions.
The investigation can be of several types can be descriptive, exploratory or explanatory. In the descriptive, it consists mainly in characterizing a phenomenon or concrete situation, that is, getting to know the situations, customs and predominant attitudes through the exact description of the activities, objects, processes and person. On the other hand we have the Exploratory Investigation is one that is carried out on an unknown or little studied subject or object, and finally we have the Explanatory Investigation that is in charge of looking for the reason of the facts by establishing cause-effect relationships.

It is necessary to clarify that knowledge is a set of information acquired through experience and that it can be organized on a structure of objective facts accessible to different observers.
Knowledge is a philosophical doctrine, for example the definition of philosophy presented by Plato and Aristotle as pure science, is respectively the pursuit of virtue or happiness. Plato and Aristotle, Descartes and Leibnitz, Kant and Hegel since in all of them we will find an inclination in the universality, an orientation in the objective totality for example: the being, the essence, the knowledge.
The types of sciences, like the factual ones, are those that do not study empirical phenomena. They use the deduction natural sciences that have for object the study of nature. Social Sciences Are all the disciplines that deal with aspects of the human being - culture and society