Daily Celestial challenge Saturday Agriculture- Garium Sulphate(Garri)
Garri is the most staple food in Nigeria, usually complimented with main dishes. It can be prepared into several meals
Grarri is a western food made from cassava tubers, it is usually consumed and referred to by university undergraduates as garium sulphate.
By being mixed with sugar or groundnut. Garri is a grain like powder, when produced completely. The process of production varies, it can be vigorous or easy depending on the method of production and equipment that are used for production
Garri is produced from cassava which are peeled, washed, grated or crushed into a mash. The mash can be fixed with palm oil then placed in a porous bag which is placed on a pressing machine to extract the excess starchy water.
When the cassava mash is dry enough from starch water. It is sieved and fried in a deep clay frying pot with or without palm oil.
The introduction of palm oil is to enhance the color of the garri after production. Some garri are white which was interfused with a little amount of oil and others very yellow connoting the reasonable amount of oil added to it. There is no rule in adding palm oil to your cassava as everyone is entrusted with his or her orientation.
After frying, the garri can be pounded or grounded ot make a flour.
Garri can be consumed with several varieties, depending on the particular meal that wants to be eaten
For example, garri can be used in the dried form to accompany cooked beans
For a heavy course meal, garri is cooked with hot water and mixed smoothly into a dough.
This is called Eba and it is eaten with several soup like vegetable soup, egusi soup, ogbolo soup and so on
Garri can also be soaked with cool water and mixed with sugar for easy consumption. This way of consuming garri is known as the life saying way because undergraduates and younger teens tend to lay back on such garrri when there isn’t enough food source.
The roots of cassava are rich in fiber, copper and magnesium
Garri I s accompanied with rich carbohydrate
One intriguing lead of garri is the affordable price it can be purchased at and as such it is termed the "life saver"
I want to give a shout out of appreciation to @sirknight in intitating this structure
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Amazing post..i really love eating Eba and egusi
I really dont like Eba, I am more into the soaking aspect with water and sugar
A good read about the production of garri.
Thanks Osahrodion
Lol. Garri has just so many names... garium sulfate, G - meal, G4 and so many other names
I am even just seeing some new names
Garri is the only food with numerous names.lol
I guess so, because its affordable to everyone especially the common man and it can be easily consumed.
Yellow garri and egusi all the way
Good one