Christians & Plagues

in CCC4 years ago

Entry: What today (Sunday June 6, 2021) means to me 3.51

It's Sunday.

Time for a preach on the day Christians call the day of rest. Today I will take some rest because I feel tired. A lot has happened in the past days and as I woke up (my inner clock forces me although I am tired and can hardly move) I told myself I will stay in bed longer just like I did in hospital. There are no Sundays in hospital not if it comes to the sick. Church isn't waiting and the vicar not visiting you. No church clocks are calling the followers to church. Sunday can be a quiet day in hospital and because it's weekend it can be a good day to work if you get paid extra. Payments make weekends, celebrating the weekend no longer important neither do plagues.

Christians have a long history with plagues and it all started with the stories in the bible, with the Jews. Some might say where Jews appear there is misery and they are good for the next plague.
The most known plague is the Medieval one. It still impresses us but what we don't dare to share is how so many people died, why most of them were Christians. The reason why is not different from today. At that time Christians lived in big families (each year a baby at least), hygiene was not done and the water and food was bad. The rats didn't spread the disease but dirty humans did. Those who survived lived under different circumstances and of course a part of them was called a witch, enemy of God and everything else one could think of if it came to blame someone else. If you feel attacked,believe your norms and values are under fire, you get mean. Mean to the foreigners who broad this upon us, the travellers, those who interfere in nature, spoil it and ignore God's will or the holy man his.

Yesterday I read the comment given by someone about the failures of the Janssen and AstraZeneca vaccins. Vaccins once praised by each newspaper and expert and today seen as a threat, a health dangering threat.
"Once their was religion and people put their trust in it, next science took over and they are not worth believing in either".

Religion against science, blind followers of... against science. Believe against being proved. In 2021 we believers aren't more modern than during the Medieval. We still fear and blind trust is not reality. We fear and cover it up with prayers, by saying God will take care of us, Jesus died for us, our sins and we can't be blamed for anything. We truly believe we live forever, it's our right to. Why should we die? The government will scare the plague away, it's a sign and for sure the atheists, witches and all those who turned their back against the real and only God (which is the one we believe in) will be hit by the plague.

That won't happen. Not this time during the Covid-19 plague with all their mutations and it didn't happen with earlier plagues. Again the closest communities, those big families and with overpopulation are hit most. Families, communities who keep meeting in Church, at wedding parties, funerals. People who believe it won't happen to them because God protects them. They pray and believe the brains God gave to think, to learn from history, to act are not important because a prayer will solve everything.
Prayers are no solutions but a way to connect. A connection to your innerself the real you. God is no Santa Claus who delivers what you have on your wishing list. As a child I learned that. What you pray for isn't delivered on command you have to work for it yourself.

We people started the new mutant of the coronavirus. The virus that can develop Covid-19. It's not the first time in human's history we have to deal with a coronavirus. It's not the first time the animal world suffers from plagues. Many plagues that come over us animals are suffering from too. Every few years I hear about a plague among birds (avian influenza), pigs (swine fever), cows (cow madness) and so on. If we have influenza a part of our animals can and will get it too and with them it's caused in exactly the same way as with us. Too many together. No fresh air, no ventilation, bad hygiene, bad food, bad health.
"Love your neighbour"... these words are written in the bible and it's hard to do so during a pandemic. It's hard not to blame others and to accept this is life, this is our personal journey. It's a good moment to ask ourselves what we will do with our life. Do we really want to go to that old normal where we do not care and take everything for granted? Will we thank God when this is over and take the same way as we did before or will we live with hate in our heart because of all those chances we've missed? I know my hands are tied and at this very moment the only thing I can do is making the best out of my life, taking care of me. Like always I keep distance and stay away from people but not out of fear. If it comes to fear there are worse things that can happen to me than the chance to be infected with the coronavirus.
To me this is just another plague. One that can not scare me. I believe a healthy body can fight this. I believe some if us are immune and will always be. I believe staying away from people is healthy and so is hygiene and taking a break and knowing yourself.


No, I am not a loyal blind follower of God or Christ but also not if it comes to the modern Gods called pharmaceuticals and Media. History didn't only teach me about Plagues but also the many mistakes doctors, specialists and pharmaceutical companies made. Their business model is not about curing, healthy nations but about earning and again they earn billions (trillions) without being responsible for their product.
If God gave me my brains I should use them myself. Not by letting it filled with lies in the media, made up stories but what I can live with. My life, my deciscion, my risk.

I wish all of you a peaceful Sunday with some time of (self) reflection. How to go on, what the future, the future of children will look like. How about expectations and what do I have to offer? Does a bright future lies ahead and if so who's task is it to make this happen?
This plague will pass but a part of the population will be damaged for life. Not because of the pandemic but the restrictions. Restrictions which took away future perspective, hope, the right to decide and freedom in name of the environment.

This contest is hosted by @freedomshift. See What does TODAY Mean to YOU? 3.51

I invite @marblely @heartbeat1515 @zainnyferdhoy and @yeesja to join too.

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