C stands for... Celebrating
It is getting quiet on the internet and also on this platform Steemit and other social media.
Many are busy and by busy, I think of a friend who is always busy all year round. Always there is someone in need, sick, weak, or nauseous, there are problems followed by chaos and stress. Whether this friend is really busy I don't know. After all, it cannot be checked by me.
A man is as busy as he makes himself, is an old saying.
It is true. I too with my scheduled lifestyle regularly run out of time. By time shortage, I mean that my days fly by. Not only do I have a lot to do, there are things I want to do, but at the same time I want to slow down. My plan to take it easy is a failure and disappointing. Even though I am busy from 3 am to midnight, I rarely get done what I want to do or planned.
I haven't watched television for years -shouldn't it save me time- and I don't make visits, nor am I a member of a club or association.
I am very good at entertaining myself and therefore always have something to do. This was a great annoyance of an acquaintance who once complained: you always have something to do. A woman next door who also never had anything to do. She finished her housework at 9:30 (she did have a toddler) and assumed from that time on I did not know how to kill time either.
Those who never have anything to do, feel bored and find it hard to imagine that someone else can always be busy.
Being busy can have to do with a hobby, reading, knitting, or watching a film but I need to schedule sleeping, shopping, and relaxing time as well.
For more and more people, being busy has nothing to do with hard work and earning money, but with sitting behind the PC and wasting time clicking on every link. Some have made it a hobby to bully other users on social media.
If it is up to Australia (and presumably the other WEF countries) that behavior soon is something of the past. Only those who have registered 100 ID attributes will still be allowed to use the internet (social media such as Facebook (loved only by the elderly), Twitter (Elon Musk is going for safe?), and perhaps google too with its 1001 built-in security tricks mainly designed to control, manipulate and cheat the user out of money) to make every user feel safe on the internet.
That security is fake because outside our room in real life, it is war. The windows are ringing, the ground is shaking and fighter jets keep flying overhead.
And although the sun is shining, it is deceptively cold outside, in fact, it is freezing.
A person is easily fooled and when you finally find out that you have been tricked then it is too late.
The harm is already done and admitting that you are an idiot who fell into a lie is hard. Most won't. Admitting wrong, and loss of dignity is what the bully doesn't want. Especially not the dumbass with the big mouth who kept threatening others.
Keyboard heroes are those people, those trolls with their big mouths also called. Keyboard heroes...no idea who coined this word but for me, it is the word of the year 2022.
I refuse to participate in all this craziness.
I am not that modern and I have given up on democracy. Democracy is no more just like that oath doctors took, and justice and honesty.
Three things became very clear to me (us) this year: people are much ruder than 30-40 years ago. There is name-calling, swearing, and a lot of aggression directed at third parties. At the same time, these people themselves have absolutely no capacity for empathy. Isn't that strange?
Then I think: what thou wouldst not have done unto thee, do not do unto another! (Yes, I was brought up learning 1001 proverbs and sayings. That was at a time when teachers still taught, were linguistically adept, could do arithmetic, patriotic history was taught, and patriotism was considered normal and not just the privilege of certain peoples.
The other striking thing is the call by the rich and even the pope for celebrating Christmas sober this year. As if the past years were easy as if we all are rich. Instead of pampering us once a year, we should support war, sanctions against ourselves so we can freeze to death if we do not suddenly die.
Does it not make you wonder how those who tell you to celebrate sober spend their days? Their stomach is filled, their houses are warm and don't leak, they use private jets, yachts and do not care about CO2.
Those people do not care about the welfare of the average person but only want to get richer and rule. They enjoy the plebs' suffering and want what you have.
We all know by now that nobody invites a bum for Christmas. The girl with the matchsticks froze to death in the street. A child indeed.
Inviting a stranger? We are not that crazy, we are all busy or absent. A number of the revelers may not be able to afford a guest at the table or will be ashamed that there cannot be a grand celebration. A celebration the WEF club could easily afford.
Christmas should be special but we forget that the majority of humanity does not celebrate Christmas at all. I lately read that God and the Bible should be forbidden. For sure the new world order will try to achieve that. At this very moment, the Muslims are blamed for skipping Christmas or Ukraine if not Russia. To me, Christmas is a commercial event and I am amazed that stores continue to sell so much despite the QR-CO2-ID-financial-crisis-war-c19-birth-wave-of-polar-bears that we are in.
Do you understand that once you think twice it's all a big lie? I find it hard to believe people still believe all those lies in 2022. Sounds to me like the average human is not more intelligent than thousands of years ago.
To me, it's clear we are being lied to, cheated, fooled, and entrapped.
All those conspiracy theories you believe in are true, the past three years have proven it (there are a lot of lawsuits going on worldwide).
A dictator is a bully and is not going to admit anything and just stays where he is.
You would think that 1 person is enough to clean up such a male or female. That worked with JF Kennedy, with Lady D, and also with Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh. Of course, it is not the confused man but the CIA with help of the government that cleans up whoever gets in the way, while a select group pulls the strings of these puppets. This does not mean that those who do the dirty work or play deaf, dumb, and blind are free of guilt.
Our dear lord has strange lodgers, my grandmother always said and that's a fact.
Whether it's Christmas, peace on earth, the end of a war, a birthday, Midwinter, or a few days off, celebrate and do it the way you like.
The environment does not suffer and is not a priority otherwise there would have been no over two years of wearing useless masks, jabs plus 4 boosters, no rocket would be sent into space and no wars would be fought. Governments would not keep spending money they don't have and farmers not be forced to stop farming.
It's all in the name of Agenda 2030, an agenda that is no longer hidden.
My tip for you is to Celebrate life and enjoy what you have as long as you can preferably without buying anything.
See @team-ccc for the contest C stands for...
Hello, reflections and very accurate point of view, custom forces us to act repetitively in what would be a vicious circle...
The most important thing is happiness, God is wise we have everything to do it..
I liked your post. Greetings and successes 😇
Thank you for leaving a reply. I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.