Bitcoin Just Paid For My Next Semester of College! - What are Your Bitcoin Dreams? -
Last Fall, College cost me 5 bitcoins...
This year...
1.3 BTC!!!
Yup, 1.3 BTC = $3500 for 3 classes at the University
I can't believe how much things have changed within the course of 1 year. It's amazing how much value 1 bitcoin holds now, and frankly, how much it has allowed me to do over the time I have been involved
But instead of buying fancy toys, I want to be able to say Bitcoin paid for College
This is a really great thing to hear.
I haven't spent any of my cryptocurrency holdings yet and don't intend to, although I do trade for new currencies using my existing ones (e.g., BTC to ANS most recently). But congratulations, it's great how you took a risk and it worked out in your favor.
Ans pumped up really nice! I sold that way to early around 60k, easy 50%. But missed out on the big jump :(
Good project tho with a good team
This is what it's all about!
inventing a time machine and go back to the past to hoard bitcoin is my dream
don't tell me you also had the same dream hahaha
My Steem dream is to be on a Steem Boat!

Lol. Id like a Steemship one day too ;)
Always nice to hear someone using profit from btc to further invest in themselves.
Thanks. Ive heard alot of stories lately. This is the best i have
Hehe ya, everyone seems to think, and tell the world they are a ceo of 20 successful startups. Always a good laugh at least!
Oddly enough if my family don't move while I was in middle school from MN to Florida. A good chance I would have attended St. Cloud for their accounting program. What a small world.
thank you for sharing