Who is qualified to lead the resistance

in #brendon-oconnel5 years ago (edited)

https://thephilsopherprophetoftheedenprotocols.wordpress.com/who-is-qualified-to-lead-the-resistance/ click on link to go to a site that doesn't let anyone censor you, or me, as they do here, by 'greying me out'

Brendon O’Connell as COJA? Is this a job application? To replace him in the job he finds so unacceptable to a man entitled to so much more than BILLIONS of others could ever hope to enjoy? A plea to imprison me, so I can finally have something decent to eat, and get my teeth fixed?

Remember that COJA refers to Cult of Judah Agent / Affiliate. Brendon O’Connell is a great example of an ‘Affiliate’ COJA. Someone (probably) unwittingly serving the Cult of Judah. Due to his indoctrination into one or more of the many Cult of Judah subsidiaries and controlled opposition groups. Including Christianity (in his case the worst form, Catholicism), Islam, and Marxism.

If Brendon is not being paid by some Cult of Judah organisation (consider WHO is sending him money to maintain his lifestyle in Malaysia, and keep ‘doing what he is doing’), then he should submit an invoice. But of course the people supporting him are COJA. Probably unwitting Affiliate COJA. Rather than out and out Cult of Judah Agents. More people not realising that by serving their current ideological masters, they are really serving the Cult of Judah.

Somehow Brendon O’Connell has maintained a YouTube presence for years. Why? When my videos that CLEARLY are about emancipating the ‘Jews’ and the rest of us, from The Cult of Judah, still keep getting blocked, and the channels they are on, banned. Technically for life. With me, the poster, technically banned from setting up new YouTube channels in other names. Which I want to address now, like the forced Windows updates Brendon O’Connell carefully avoided ever mentioning. Suspiciously so. Because wasn’t his whole ‘thing’ about the abuse of high tech by ‘who is it now he has misdirected us towards? Russia? Suspiciously like Trump and Alex Jones, whom he still ‘watches’ and talks about as if they were redeemable still? Like the political system he still wants his audience to imagine can be redeemed, and rehabilitated, like Trump and Alex Jones. Wasn’t one of his new ‘heroes’ on that playing field one of the authorities defending WACO at the congressional hearings?

Yes, so this new threat by YouTube concerning setting up new accounts in new names. I suspect that sooner or later YouTube will start taking legal action against people like myself, who set up new accounts in new names. To make this common practice impossible. And soon a lifetime ban will be just that. For life. Unless, like some 1984 type character, or some Inquisition figure, I publically ‘recant’ and join ‘the dark side’. After which I would probably ‘disappear’. To make it impossible for me every to become a martyr and symbol. Which burning alive can make of the least likely candidate. Whereas a quite garroting never made a public figure of anyone. For fear my ‘recanting’ might not ‘hold’. Like many famous people from the past, who broke in a moment of weakness, and then, regaining the s strength of their convictions, and not being able to face any sort of life as a hypocrite, regained the courage to endure the fates worse than death. Feeling that the very WORST fate than death is to recant what you sincerely believe to be true. Ask Socrates. At least the Athenians practiced euthanasia of their ‘apostates’ and ‘heretics’ and ‘trouble makers’. Though Aristotle was still a young enough man not to die so willingly for the same reasons, and he fled Athens. I didn’t realise, last time I left Germany, that I was heading into exile in Estonia. Or that I would find a way to live on a few dollars a day, in the cheapest rent area in the Western developed world (ironically thanks to the Cult of Judah Soviet occupation, which built this flat, and then built an artificial economy in this region which collapsed, leaving to a continual ‘flight’ of people West towards Tallinn).

Air conditioning? Indoor swimming pool? Air-conditioned Gym? Living in the heart of a metropolis with every possible social and cultural possibility? Among such friendly and hospitable people? Free 2000 dollar laptops? Free high speed Wi-Fi? All manner of lights and cameras and microphones? A luxury chair?

Hey, people, if you can set ME up with such a CUSHY gig, send me the tickets, and I will take Brendon’s old apartment tomorrow, and start completing all the videos he started, and then making ones that are TOTALLY UNCONTROLLED and HOLISTIC. I won’t waste your money trying to fight stupid legal cases that I am NOT the ideal person to fight. I won’t waste thousands of YOUR dollars on lawyers who CLEARLY are NOT interested in my case, never having even bothered to spend a few days reading up on it, and researching it.

So how has Brendon O’Connell managed to keep his YouTube accounts open? I am not even aware of any of his accounts ever having been closed. And he is a convicted ‘hate speech criminal’ who DID go too far, both ‘on the street on film’, and ‘in the courtroom on the record’.

Well it can only, as far as I can see now, be that what he DOES report on is NOT considered ‘threatening’ by the Cult of Judah. Brendon appears to promote ‘The Holocaust’ actively. At very best he never challenges the deception in any way. So this at least must tell us something about the Cult of Judah’s censorship priorities. And it suggests that the Cult of Judah have zero concern about what he IS saying. The information he IS sharing. Or he would have been shut down, like the rest of us, years ago. I’ve been officially banned for life from all google products for many years now. And I NEVER behaved as aggressively as Brendon O’Connell has. If you read his trial transcript (go to MY WordPress TROONATNOOR pages) you will see that he either has no impulse control, or he deliberately sabotaged his own case. He reacted to comments and made utterances that justified the sentences he received. Almost inexplicably. As if he WANTED to provoke the worst. And JUSTIFY the worst. In terms of sentencing.

This is assuming Brendon O’Connell is not actually a conscious and deliberate Cult of Judah agent. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt, and assuming he is unwittingly serving the interests of the Cult of Judah. At best harmless, in what he DOES share with us. At worst actively mis-directing and mis-informing his audience.

Brendon likes to speak of his ‘connections’. I assume in the Catholic Church. He is one of theirs. Cult of Judah all the way. But of course he is a ‘free thinking’ zombie. Like ‘free-range’ chickens are ‘free’ to run around a larger prison, rather than stuck in a smaller cage.

Brendon wants us to put our faith in ‘The Labor Unions’. As if the ‘labor unions’ are NOT Cult of Judah controlled opposition. As if it was not the ‘Labor Unions’ themselves that fractured the ‘working classes’ into SEPARATE groups all COMPETING AGAINST each other for the best scraps at the kitchen table. One of Hitler’s acts of genius was to dissolve all the existing workers unions. If you don’t believe the workers benefitted, then explain why the British had to send their own assassins in to murder Nazi’s in Czechoslovakia. The Czech workers had never enjoyed such good working conditions and such high wages. Workers from all around Eastern Europe flocked to the Nazi occupied lands in search of work. The Nazi regime was incredibly popular among the ‘average sort’ of people. The French welcomed Nazi occupation, for the most part. If they were not indoctrinated communists. Or elites who had been beneficiaries of the old regime, or hoped to become beneficiaries of a communist regime.

So the Labor Unions are the hope Brendon is offering at the end of the tunnel? The same Australian unions who sold out Australian workers decades ago, during my early working years. So that I watched in horror as Australian workers lost most of their benefits and conditions, and became among the lowest paid working class in the West? The same who did the same for German workers? And French workers? And Americans workers?

So Brendon expects us to put our hopes in totally and thoroughly corrupt controlled opposition like Trump and Alex Jones? And existing actors on the political stage and in the unions? Is he deluding himself or trying to delude us? Does he really imagine Trump and Alex Jones could be rehabilitated? Redeemed? That they are ‘good souls’ who simply took a few wrong steps, and can be guided back to the right path, just in time to save us all? Exactly what is he basing this high stakes gamble on? Christian faith that ‘god works in mysterious ways’? Is he counting on the intercession of Angels? The second coming of his Cult of Judah ‘Matrix Nova’ ‘saviour’ and ‘messiah’?

Oh, and Brendon’s previous promise of how ‘committed’ he was to our cause. How deserving he was of our money and attention. Selling himself as our best investment. But even while living off an income the majority of the people in the world would envy, and which few managers in Estonia could hope to earn, Brendon just couldn’t manage to ‘finish any thing he started’. Like a video. Blaming Israeli hacking for disrupting his work flow.

Hey, no-one bought ME a 2000 dollar laptop. I’m still using the cheapest laptop I could get over 5 years ago. No-one is sending ME thousands of dollars a month. I don’t even use a fan, in my hot-box soviet concrete apartment, facing the sun, on the 5th floor. Let alone have an air-conditioned apartment with gym and inside swimming pool, and fancy cameras and microphones. I can’t even afford a basic internet connection. So where on earth does Brendon get the idea that HE is the one that is ‘underprivileged’? Over 3 BILLION people would immediately swap places with him, based on his economic situation alone.

And yet I manage to make videos that our enemy think are so dangerous to their plans, that they have to continually ban me and block me. Not just on YouTube, but on steemit and Dtube.video. I may have been hacked on WordPress even, as none of my passwords are working, and I cannot log in.

Brendon’s main resentment appears to be that OTHER PEOPLE don’t do the hard work of researching and writing up serious reports and books. He seems to feel that is the responsibility of OTHER PEOPLE. Rather than himself. He appears to feel, like the typical Socialist, that HIS role is to sit in a comfy chair ranting in front of a camera, and getting sent thousands of dollars per month, so he can buy new studio gear and computers and software, and be ‘important’, telling OTHER PEOPLE what THEY should do. Like a typical Socialist who ALWAYS sees themselves as some form of political commissar, some form of white collar manager, and NEVER as factory worker or soldier, in their ‘Socialist’ workers’ paradise.

And when people like myself do the ‘hard yards’ and unrewarding work required to write and publish serious books, you might think he’d ‘get behind’ us and offer us at least moral encouragement, and direct his viewers to consider our books? Nope. All he seems concerned about is attacking others who earn more money they he does. Which is basically the whole reason Socialism NEVER stood a chance. Because the ‘workers’ are all too busy complaining about the relative marginal differences in their own pay-packets, benefits, and working conditions , to ever unite against the more serious economic injustices and inequalities.

What right does Brendon O’Connell have to attack people just because they are more successful at what HE is trying to do, by producing better quality work? When he himself DIVIDES the community rather than attempting to find common ground from which to UNITE the community! And will NOT do the work he insists OTHER PEOPLE do. As if HE is ‘above’ such work? He is JUST as capable of doing it as anyone else. But it is HARD and UNREWARDING work.

Hey, if people sent ME thousands of dollars per month, I could put together amazing audio-visual presentations. As it is, I can’t even get anyone to sponsor a cheap basic internet connection and VPN. So I have to use public library Wi-Fi, on an ancient laptop, with 2 dollar webcam. I do NOT complain about this. It is just a fact. If people support me, I can do MORE. And BETTER. If what I do does NOT resonate with them, then simply improving my presentation is a moot point.

If there is NO support for my holistic strategies, guided by UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLES OF JUSTICE, then all my efforts are in vain anyway.

And we are left with thousands of people worrying about Brendon O’Connell, and supporting him financially, so he can rant and complain, and mis-direct us towards RUSSIA and COMMUNIST C HINA as the threats. Which, really, seals the deal. I’m sorry if I am wrong Brendon. But aren’t you simply doing EXACTLY what the Cult of Judah controlled opposition and mass media are doing? What Alex Jones is doing? Claiming that RUSSIA is the problem? That Communist China is the problem?

Wouldn’t it be the perfect MOSSAD Cult of Judah strategy, just before you ‘retire’ from public life (which you’ve just apparently done by voluntarily taking down all your videos and posts, and ignoring people like myself), to pull off the totally typical ‘controlled opposition’ ‘bait and switch’ and ‘mis-direct’?

For isn’t it no other than Brendon O’Connell now, who is claiming that ISRAEL IS CONTROLLED BY RUSSIA? While totally failing to state the OBVIOUS that RUSSIA has been a PUPPET of the Cult of Judah, totally OCCUPIED by the Cult of Judah, and totally CONTROLLED by the Cult of Judah, for over 100 YEARs?

The guy with all the political Savvy, warning us that IRAN is controlled opposition, thanks to the occupation and corruption of its elites, is now attempting to totally OBFUSCATE the situation, very brilliantly and with great subtle sophistication, just as the best trained / coached Cult of Judah misinformation / obfuscation agent, and agent of CONFUSION, could be expected to. Your MOSSAD and CIA handlers / coaches / trainers must be proud of you, in the case that you REALISE what you are doing, and are doing it deliberately.

If you are UNWITTINGLY doing the best possible work any CIA MOSSAD Cult of Judah professional could ever hope to produce, and they are NOT paying you, then you really ARE the best CIA MOSSAD (crypto) AGENT they have EVER had.

So Jeez, at least get on their payroll, if you are going to do such great work for them. Or at least take a few months out to read all MY books and watch all MY videos, before throwing your towel in the ring again.

I promise you that most ‘health care professionals’ around the world earn LESS than you take in every month. So if it is mo’ money you are after, I’d say go back to Iran.

And stop disrespecting the genuine National Socialists. Sure, many ‘White Nationalist’ organisations are Cult of Judah controlled and occupied. Sure, many of the YouTubers are racist idiots. But why focus on THEM? Unless WE focus on our common threats and find common ground to defend ourselves from, a unified position we can all agree on, then the old ‘divide and conquer’ strategy is guaranteed to win.

Oh, and this notion that ‘They’ have given up on America, and trying to get them to give up their guns, and are now focusing on Russia and China’? Who told you to suggest that little bit of false hope? The U.S has been effectively occupied since at least President Wilson’s time, if not from the very start. And the Cult of Judah would love nothing MORE than to see a massive bloodbath in the U.S, between the civilian militias, and their now completely militarized IRS, Homeland Security, Private Security firms, local police, state police, FBI, CIA, and of course the actual military. They WANT the biggest death toll possible. To write up in their ‘official history’ of ‘Why the Cult of Judah one world government is such a blessing to the nations’. ‘Just look what they did to themselves BEFORE we took control’.

The ‘tech’ issue was obvious from the moment someone leaked the facts about the Polish Telecommunications contract after the latest ‘liberation’ of Poland from one ‘occupier’ and into the next LEVEL and FACE (re-branding) of that same occupation. From ‘Soviet’ occupation to E.U occupation, just to clarify, for those who are nowhere near ‘up to speed’ on these things.

No established Cult of Judah occupied institution can be ‘rehabilitated’ in the time we have. Even Hitler didn’t dare attempt to rehabilitate / reform / redeem the Catholic Church, and other ‘Christian’ branches of the Cult of Judah. He did dissolve the trade / labor unions. THAT was possible. He observed Bismark’s dictum that ‘Politics is the art of the possible’. Remember that Bergson described Bismark in such terms that you would, if you didn’t note the DATE of his comments, assume he was describing Hitler, and National Socialism. Long before Hitler, the Cult of Judah intellectuals were demonizing Germany, and planning for its destruction.

I would renounce my German Citizenship. I tried. Then discovered there is a complex process involved. And they expect me to explain WHY I am doing this. If I told them the truth, they could easily invent some charges to have be deported to Germany. They would never even need to refer to my Cult of Judah opposition. Unless they saw some profit to be gained FOR the Cult of Judah occupation, they might not bother charging me with the usual offenses. So I would have NO grounds for asylum based on political persecution for my political / religious (with philosophy as my religion) activities. So I am loathe to risk this. And until they actively ‘persecute’ me for my political / religious convictions, what basis would my asylum application have even in Estonia, where I currently reside, as a German citizen? You see abandoning my German citizenship would make me an illegal alien in Estonia, and I’d be deported to Cult of Judah occupied Australia.

I’m willing to spend a year or two in prison in Australia. But what then? Would anyone support my escape to Malaysia, as they did Brendon O’Connells?

And what good could I ultimately do there, if no-one is able to digest and face the WHOLE truth, from a HOLISTIC philosopher?

O.K, so back to my music. Living on a few dollars a day. I can promise you that prison is a tempting offer. I haven’t had a hot meal since I was homeless in Germany. In the last 30 years I’ve had fewer hot meals than most people will have in a month. Hmm. Prison is appealing. Better food. Better social life. Access to a dentist. Probably a gym. Access to training and education opportunities. Maybe someone would try to ‘rehabilitate’ me. I’d stand much better chances of ever gaining paid employment in Australia AFTER serving prison time. You’ll have to read about my Public Service and Dept. Of Education ‘blacklisting’ to understand my situation. Yes I am a ‘trouble maker’. NOT a ‘team player’. Like Socrates.

And if having served prison time, and being a ‘notorious criminal’ stopped me getting work in Australia? Well I’d still live better than I have for the last few decades. I might find a stable place to live. I’d have health care, and even emergency dental care. I could get a cat. Get some sun. I might even get laid once or twice before I am too old to care. I could live among people who spoke English.

Hey, what am I doing here, when I could be serving time in a comfy Australian low security prison right now. Getting my teeth fixed. Getting some health-care. Eating right. Being around people PAID to care about me! You can have NO idea how LONELY it has been. The different FORMS of POVERTY that exist. Sure I can survive eating semolina, oats, and soy flour. Sweating all year because of the way this soviet flat is set up. Freezing and sweating, alternately. So I need to constantly get fully dressed, then undressed. Like right now. Just took off all my warm clothing, as I’m overheating again.

If THIS world, as it is, is what YOU want, then you are welcome to it. The Cult of Judah is welcome to it. You probably don’t want to change that much about it at all. Unless you are right at the bottom of the pyramid of benefits and costs.

The only work that the Cult of Judah occupation would ever allow me to do, that I would be motivated to do, would be in some VEGAN industry. And most people WORKING in the vegan industries are NOT vegan. They are just in it for the money. Or the personal health benefits. NOT out of a love of justice for all sentient beings. So that’d probably suck to.

Oh well, let’s see if I can get excited by my music again. Lose myself in it. Stay around a bit longer, in case some inspiration comes. Or some aliens return. Or some super power manifests. Or I just die in my sleep. Oh happy day. To be free of this world. Assuming I WOULD be free.

Where I have no response-ABILITY I can have no response-I-bility. So I will keep working with the tools I have at my disposal. If this plane-et is a karmic schoolroom, I am only hear to LEARN MY LESSONS, and try to share what I’ve learned.

If the majority of people ever had really WANTED universal justice for ALL sentient beings, the Cult of Judah would have become powerless overnight. So really it is YOUR desire that THEY are manifesting, in enslaving YOU. Because that is what YOU willed for OTHERS.

For as you WILL unto other sentient beings, so shall be DONE unto YOU. This plane-et as will and representation. And the representations of YOUR current WILL towards OTHER sentient beings, are MANIFEST AS THE CULT OF JUDAH and its ideology of Semitism. The abuse of all ‘others’ as mere ‘means to your own selfish ends’. Means to your OWN pleasure and relief. And avoidance of pain. No matter WHAT costs are imposed on OTHERS. As long as YOU get YOUR ‘ends’. And thus ANY means will become defined as ‘Justified’, legitimate, legal, and ‘JUST’. THAT is the ‘justice’ you will get. The same you GIVE.

All the best from Estonia
Don’t be surprised to find me running off to Australia, to prison, just to get a decent meal.
Oh, and if you are female, and see me, and cannot believe it possible that someone who looks like me could have been without female attention for decades, do NOT assume there is something ‘hidden’. It is just that women do NOT find men who do NOT offer them the USUAL ‘benefits’ attractive. No matter HOW objectively ‘attractive’ they are. There is no ‘hidden’ reason for my forced celibacy. Just my ‘personality’, my mother would say. She couldn’t ever bring herself to love me. Ever. So ask HER what my ‘stamp of one defect’ is. She’ll refer to my ‘personality’. My sister will claim ‘I don’t want anyone to love me’. Maybe BOTH are right? Because I am too conscientious. I take responsibility too seriously. I never learned hypocrisy. I never learned to wear masks, and adopt personas, and to LIE, to DECIEVE, simply to get what I wanted from others. So I am a failure at this thing people call life. And which I reject. As unacceptable to me. As unattractive to ME. And so the world rejects ME. Of course.

So, I will try not to think about food. It’s simply because I have not found anything marked down cheap enough (80% off is my budget) for me to buy. So I’ve been eating just oats and water and sweetener, for the most part, for much too long. I simply cannot eat another spoonful of semolina (you just add hot water and sweetener to make it my way). Sure, I’ve lost weight. But there is absolutely ZERO pleasure in my life. And pleasure IS the ONLY reason we bother existing. Unless even this horrific plane-et is somehow a RELIEF from something worse, which we sought escape from, IN this world?

Everyone DESERVES some pleasure, and relief from their pain. Even boredom. Is THAT the thing we ‘fled ‘ from, and which even THIS absurd plane-et represents a relief FROM? Is it the absolute rejection of pleasure that is required to escape from new-incarnating in worlds like this?

I don’t think so. I am sure that if my little brain can work out a way to have pleasure with NO costs to other sentient beings, and no NEED For pain (for it is merely negative feedback, and NOT a pre-requite like AC power cycles) , then there are infinite possibilities for constructing experience engines that ARE worthy of people like myself.

Maybe like YOU too? Want to try and see if we can set up something, even on this plane-et? Or was it never meant to be ‘redeemed’ and ‘rehabilitated’?

Will I have to wait until I reach ‘the other side’, for a world worthy of not just validating, but reproducing? THAT is probably the MAIN reason for my forced celibacy. I couldn’t bear to FORCE another sentient being to endure this world, by ‘making’ them!

Happy Next Lives.

But you will only EVER AND ALWAYS manifest what you WILL. And if world’s like THIS one are what you WILL, then you will eternally manifest them. For the world’s you experience will always and forever be REPRESENTATIONS of your own will. Your own desires. That which you want. The ends you seek. And you will forever be ‘hoisted by your own petard’. For the means you find justifiable when employed towards YOUR ends, will be the same means that others employ. And so, enterprising would-be slave MASTER becomes the slave, for MOST of the time.

Markus Heinrich Rehbach
The Philosopher-Prophet of the Protocols
Holistic Philosopher
Adversary of the Cult of Judah
Actively seeking to free us, and ‘the Jews’, FROM the Cult of Judah
Which in Cult of Judah legalese is known as ‘persecuting Jews’.

I have dozens of potentially commercial pop / blues / rock songs and ballads. Will anyone help me record and produce them to the standard they deserve? So maybe I can bring some pleasure and relief to the world through my music? And maybe gain attention to our common cause?

September 15, this year of Cult of Judah occupation, 2019

Now to put all that clothing back on, now that I am cold again

My only ‘luxury’ has been coffee. And I’ve drunk so much of it that even it has become almost loathsome to me!

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