It’s just a little rain my friends!😅
How does the saying go………………….
“Into each life a little rain must fall!”😇
Why such a sad face in the first photo……..after all it is still the beginning of March in the Pacific Northwest!😅
For once, PEPE decided to stay home and ride HIS “Spin bike”!🐸
Strange how they have changed the names of everything nowadays Lol!
I remember when these were called “Stationary Bike’s”, but even my new Fitbit app is recognizing peddling in circles going nowhere, as a spin bike Lol!🤣
“Silbertop BOTH Lady Frogs come over after you and Mrs leave! Dis show them PEPE working out …….. See da new muscles Man!”💪🐸
“Ohh ………… do seem to have new green muscles my friend, keep up the excellent workout!😊
“Liz, do you think it’s a good idea to leave three large green Frogs running around the house while we go hiking?”😳
“ Silvertop, Let’s just hope they don’t figure out how to turn the water on for the bathtub, and try to create an indoor pond!”🥰
“Maybe I’ll shut the water main off before we go Lol!”😇
It looks like my photos are “Missing in Action for tonight………maybe!😇
If they are missing my friends, you will need to use your imagination for tonight, and I will drop them in tomorrow!😇🤗
Till then Silvertop Mike😊