Reflections............. NW Cascade Wanderings
Happy Sunday to all!
Something we see everyday whether it’s like my first picture or it’s a reflection in a puddle of water, from a mirror-from many sources. Sometimes it’s a reflection of our day; our week; our year; our lives. Or perhaps looking at the reflection of how others affect us. Looking back can be enlightening, but it’s not a place we should live in.
Enjoy these reflections in the pond up Westergreen’s tree farm.
Very peaceful and serene! A great place to go, but be aware of the potential for wildlife that might not like your intrusion!
This morning found us at church, albeit groggy just like everyone else! Daylight Savings Time in the spring is a pain! I read somewhere some years ago, that statistically, there are more heart attacks and strokes that occur the week after we change to it! Who really enjoys losing an hour’s sleep when most of us are sleep deprived anyway? Not me!
Church was awesome as usual! Pastor Kyle has a way of taking ordinary life circumstances, making them comical, and meaningfully inserting them in a relevant context to the point he’s trying to get across in his sermon. It’s refreshing!
Once home, we did some things around the house, and then around noon, it began raining in earnest! Not a light rain, but the kind that soaks you; the kind when it hits a puddle, it makes bubbles! ☔️☔️☔️ That prompted a trip to Walmart to get some steps and to pick up a few items they were out of our last trip.
While there, I found a new pal for @actifit-lamb and the gang! Meet Clover the Chicken.
She’s very soft and quite adorable! She wanted to get right to beginning to exercise so she could keep up with @actifit-lamb, Pepe the frog, Pepe-yette the lady frog and all the rest!
The only problem is that her legs aren’t quite long enough to reach the peddles lol! We’ll have to figure something else out.
That’s gonna be it for today. Take care and have a blessed week ahead. Enjoy the rest of your day wherever you are! 🙏🌎🙏
NLT Hebrews 13:15
Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name
Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app
@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH