Blue Whale Suicide Game: What you need to know!
Blue Whale Suicide Game: What you need to know!
We have seen many strange strange happenings on the internet even before, but when people start to die for an Internet computer or a game, there can be no more strange and urgent incidents. Yes, there has been a suicidal succession game named Blue Whale and you have to give life through playing this game.
Blue Whale Suicide Games

The name of the game "Blue Whale" has been kept in the word, as if the whale could swallow you like, the game will also consume your progeny, this is the name given to it from this logic. I got to know that the game is a Russian game, and the police have arrested the manager of this game, I also came to know that. People are dying around the world, in the game of addiction or saying that to fulfill the task of the game.
You may find it crazy, yes, I think it is totally crazy! Those who are going to do their own gaming are also involved in the game ', they need serious treatment. But news of the death of people across the globe is coming. Not only in Russia, but in America or even in India, people have died in playing this game. Think, where some people are working hard to get stomach rice, there are so many people who are dying to gaming.
Anyway, I will not show my perspective here, I'll talk about more details about this game. See, in fact, it's not like a different ten-twelve game, a task-challenging game, which is not a virtual task, but you have to complete your real life task there.
There are 50 tasks in this game, which will be completed in 50 days.
However, the task of the game is arranged in such a way that your brain will slowly swallow. If you like adwancher, then this game will swallow you very fast. First you will be asked to cut your hand, then it will be asked to write a special word in the hands, it will be said to take the whale, you will be told to cut off your veins, will be asked to enter the syringes, ghosts and dead bodies will be told to watch the movie, it will be said to go to the grave at night. The last task is that you just have to die! This is the diameter of the Blue Whale Games. All your task images and data will be sent to the admin panel, according to some tasks, you have to give upside-down status in social media.
That is, in your healthy brain it has come to understand that it is not a computer game, it is a real life game. And every episode of which is full of complete bauxouf. When you start to fulfill such a terrible task, your brain will be gradually distorted, you will have to look for a picture of ghosts, go to physics in a ghostly place, you will start to see a bad dream, and with the opposite task from the admin panel, you have twelve times of your brain Play it
In this way, maybe you will give them their gesture to know. Now people can not deny that knowledge, but why did they know why the man was so crazy? Maybe because of some people's human diseases, yes, I would call them a patient. If someone plays a game of healthy brain, it is very difficult to die, he can not hurt himself so much. And look at the task in this game, do you really have any senses in this task? The admin of this game is full of crazy, even more crazy than those who will make this game fun.
Another information about this game tells you, the task of the game that was created by a 22-year-old Russian, after the police took her away, knew what her statement was, "She has created such a game to clean up the society". Now think of yourself, who is involved in such a statement or action? Of course, there is a slip on the head of the ball. But yes, the main admin of the game was not found, imagining there are multiple administrators behind it.
Blue Hole Game 50 Tasks;
- Carve a specific phrase on the person's own hand or arm.
- Wake up at 4:20 am and watch a scary video (sent by the curator.)
- Make lengthwise cuts on the person's own arm.
- Draw a whale on a piece of paper
- Write "yes" on the person's own leg if ready to be a whale. Otherwise, they should be cut
- Secret task (written in code.)
- Scratch (a message) on the person's own arm.
- Write a status online about being a whale.
- Overcome a fear
- Get up at 4:20 and go to the roof.
- Carve a whale on
- Watch scary videos all day
- Listen to music the "curator" sends.
- Cut your lips
- Poke the person's own arm / hand with a needle.
- Make yourself hurt or sick
- Go to a roof and stand on the edge
- Stand on a bridge
- Climb a crane
- At this step, the "curator" somehow checks to see if the participant is trustworthy.
- Talk with a "whale" on Skype.
- Sit down on a roof with legs dangling over the edge
- Another job that is in code
- A secret mission
- Meet with a "whale."
- The "curator" assigns a date
- Visit a railroad.
- Do not talk
- Give an oath / vow about being a whale
After completing these tasks, the gamer will be given a 30-50-minute horror movie, horror music, horror sound, which will be provided from the game's admin panel, the task of 50 is on the roof, giving life to the diameter (hey, life-giving son's game Right?)
Some more updated tasks have been found in social media;
Write a white paper 'I'm strong, I can do everything I want!' for 50 times
Take a walk listening some electro swing (Parov Stelar for instance)
Wake up at 10 am, open the window and listen to the sounds, 'I'm happy to live' many times.
Go see a sunset while listening some jazz (Bossanova, Coltrane for instance). Experience its beauty
Try to cook some food like you, eat it with some friends \ parents \ others you like
Wake up at 5.30 am, have a good breakfast and then go out watch your city waking up. No music here.
Try to talk with at least 5 different unknown people about something for at least 5 minutes each.
Try to talk with you
Take a walk in the afternoon
Take a full day to do what you like Life is beautiful; do not throw it away
Spam these rules to other people
Force your talk with another gamer (or friend or person) about your problems
Try to help another gamer with his / her problems You can make the difference, you are special
Take a walk with someone, talk about your hopes and desires, and ask about his / her hopes and dreams.
Repeat point 1
Repeat point 2
Repeat point 3
Repeat point 4
Repeat point 5
Repeat point 6
Repeat point 7
Repeat point 8
Repeat point 9
Repeat point 10
Repeat point 11
Repeat point 12
Repeat point 13
Repeat point 14You are ready for the last test Think about your progress, write your feelings about all the steps before addressed, and give it to a person who will appreciate you.
Live your life happily You really do not need a curator to control you You are free, you are special, remember when it is no way out I love you.
Something about me
Now tell yourself, are they mentally diseased or else? Many have given many explanations, I can commit suicide, for that I can commit suicide, no explanation for the bat I did not fully understand. I have dropped those who have died, but I tell you and me, a 22-year-old child messes you on the computer, set fire to your house, and you set it on fire? Which logic is it after? What's the addiction here? You're playing this game, filling in the task, cutting your hands, hand waving whales, for what? You are going to give life, you do not know what your brother is, "After the death of the game, the Internet, the task will be only afterwards.
Think of it, you are pointing out that you are playing the game itself, it is called the waste of the environment, and he also says that he wants to clean the environment! Are you really the garbage of the environment, or the garbage of those abusive environment?
Blue whale challenge has claimed many lives in India. The game should be banned and it's moderators should be behind bars.
Yes, thank you for your comment... @swalia
Does anyone else feel like there is a deep and disturbing problem that society must confront and not try to legislate away?