EBE is the name or designation given to the live Alien captured at the 1947 Roswell, New Mexico crash. He died in captivity. EBE means Extra-Terrestrial Biological Entity.
KRLL was the first Alien Ambassador to the United States of America
GUESTS were Aliens exchanged for Humans who gave us the balance of the YELLOW BOOK At the onset in 1972 there were only three (3) left alive, now we have around 4,000. They were called Alien Life Forms (ALFs) or OBS. They have a big tendency to UE.
YELLOW BOOK is all that we know about Alien technology, culture and their history.
RELIGION - The Aliens believe in a Universal Cosmic God. The Aliens claim that MEN are Hybrids who were created by them. They claim ail religion was created by them to hasten the formation of a Civilized Culture and to control the Human Race. They claim that JESUS was a product of their efforts. The Aliens have furnished proof of their claims and have a "device" that allows them to show audibly and visually any part of History that they or we wish to see.
ALIEN BASES exist in the four comer areas of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona Six bases were described in 1972, all on Indian Reservations, and all in the four corner area. The base near Dulce was one of them, also bases at California, Nevada, Texas, Florida, Maine, Georgia and Alaska.
CRAFT RECOVERIES - The documents stated that many craft had been recovered. The early ones from Roswell, Aztec, Roswell again, Texas, Mexico and other places, which will be discussed later.
ABDUCTIONS were occurring long before 1972, early civilizations refer to these incidents. The document stated that humans and animals were being abducted and or mutilated. Many vanished without a trace. They were taking sperm and OVA samples, tissues, performed surgical operations, implanted a spherical device, (40 to 50 microns in size near the optic nerve in the brain) and all attempts to remove the device have resulted in the death of the patient. The document estimated that one (1) in every 40 people had been implanted. This implant was said to give the Aliens total control of the Human.
We confirmed in 1989, the existence of Alien crafts at a hangar on Edwards Air Force Base. The hangar is at North end of the base. It has been guarded by non-Edward's personnel, who are NRO-DELTA personnel. The guards wear a badge that is red with a black triangle on the face of the badge. No one was allowed near the hangar without this badge.
The NRO-DELTA personnel are no longer guarding the hangar, Edwards security forces are are guarding it now, and they are instructed to check the hangar each hour and report the status NRO. In addition, they have been instructed never to enter the hangar, even if it has been broken into. The hangar is still locked and no one is allowed inside without special authorization from NRO/DELTA.
We also have confirmed the existence of Alien Materials at another Special hangar at Edward's AFB.
The badge insignias that are on some Alien crafts and Alien Flags, is called a TRILATERAL INSIGNIA (TRIADE).
Found on some Spacecrafts
Marks bases and Landing sites.
This symbol is visible, "Only when viewed from Directly Overhead'
This symbol is found on some Regelians Spacecraft and their Uniforms
LUNA-2 - Code name for the location of the second most important underground Rigelian base in New Mexico. The base is Alien controlled and NRO, DELTA, and Alien protected. Luna is ongoing.
FAR SIDE OF THE MOON - Is the term used in reference to inside LUNA-2. The LUNA-2 underground base, UFOIogists and some other various people who have stumbled upon this term have a misunderstanding and believed that it was a reference to LUNA-1, the moon base.