Bedtime Facts (176/365)
Today is the end of the school year in Finland
Week 22 is the last week of the schoolyear. Spring celebration is had and report cards are given on the following day and this year it was today. Those who have passed Matriculation examination in the final year of upper secondary school will receive their certificates and their caps.
By MPorciusCato, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
The weather is perfect. It was 25 C in Lahti at nine pm. Our street was, a quiet residential street, was full of cars belonging to guests to graduation parties.
The exact day when the next school year begins depends on the municipality. In comprehensive schools in Lahti, it is the 13th of August. In upper secondary schools, it is usually a few days earlier. There autumn and spring breaks are both one week long and the Christmas holiday is about two weeks long. The summer holiday is 10 weeks long. There has been talk about having the school year end at the end of June and begin only at the beginning of September because the weather is usually warmer in August than in June and it would be thus better for tourism. I don't agree with that because the spring term is already very long and hard for the students.
Some times government don't put students into consideration what they know is to bring up policies that will suit them.
In my country we start new section in September because we have only two seasons why is dry and rainy season and most times don't affect our educational system.
The dates of holidays are very similar to those of here, even the two weeks in Christmas.
Hi Markku. I suppose your school year is governed by the weather. Our schools start in January and end in December. we don't have severe winters though. I think it's fantastic that the children get the summer off basically. I saw Malta's school term the other day and they have basically 3 months off for summer holidays.
The biggest downside of the over two-month long holiday is that in families with children in first or second grade, there may not be an adult at home to watch over the kids. Kids in school are two old for day care and because workers generally get four weeks of paid holiday in the summer (and one week in the winter season), the eight weeks put together are not enough to cover the ten-week school holiday even if the parents are able to have their holidays with no overlap. That's where grandparents need to help or the kids need to be sent on a camp or something. Some kids may be mature enough to handle spending eight hours on their own at home.
Didn't think of that. I am sure it creates problems.
Spring term is longer in both schools and colleges and in my experience a bit harder too. Although starting early can make for a longer winter break.
Then again, why fix something that ain't broken. If the system has been performing satisfactorily then there is little point in disturbing it.
I got 2 stipends myself. Now I'll have to start reading for those matriculation exams :)
Here the dates of the next school year begins and ending of classes are decided by the Ministry of Education the federal organ in the capital, all including private and public education, the municipality don't had that kind of power, hey a cool fact for you @markkujantunen and I think you would like it to know that even here, we always heard that finland and holland have the best elementary and secondary education in the world.
When I was in primary school there was no community service but when I got to secondary school that service had been implemented and I think it was because the Ministry of Education wanted to imitate the kind of education that other countries receive.
Our system regarding school vacations are similar to those of your country. The good thing is that also in the university where I work the vacations coicide with those of the school, so for that aspect I am very well my wife, daughters and I have vacacioes the same time.
If it's my turn, I fled the country, I think I'm going to miss that.