Photography Dragonfly, Rhinocypha Fenestrata Male
This dragonfly in my area people often call it a stone dragonfly. Because this dragonfly lives close to water that has a lot of rocks. However, the unique dragonfly has a slightly pink color on its body. Likes to perch on dry twigs and rocks on the edge of the river. I saw and photographed this dragonfly in the Alue Batee Beukah area, Sidomulyo Village, North Aceh Regency.
I beg you not to forget constructive criticism and suggestions, all of you! So that I can continue to study in the future. If something goes wrong, please forgive me!.
Camera Xioami Redmi Note 9 Pro
Catagory Insect Photography
Processed Adobe Linghtroom
Lens External Macro Lensbong 45mm
Location Desa Sidomulyo Kabupaten Aceh Utara, Aceh Indonesia
beautiful photo.. i really like to see it. Thank you for giving me a chance to see it.
Thank you very much. Good luck always.