the beauty of the natural charm in Aceh
Pantai lancang Paru kecamatan Bandar Baru kabupaten pidie jaya Aceh
harvest season is coming " Teupin Raya, Dayah Tanoh Aceh"
Triengggadeng Pidie Jaya
Bandar Baru Pidie Jaya, Aceh
Desa Dee kecamatan Trienggadeng kabupaten Pidie Jaya Aceh
Ulim Baroh kecamatan Ulim kabupaten pidie Jaya Aceh
Although I don't understand your writing because of language problems, I understand from your photographs that you mean something very good and your pictures are very beautiful and show the beauty of nature. I like nature whatever thank you.
beautiful nature photography. thanks for share this .