Life Is Nothing But Vanity.
Fact About Life
When you are 20, you care what everyone thinks and say about you, you focus more on yourself, beautifying your body just to impress them.
When you are 40 you stop caring what everyone thinks and say about you, you now realize you're getting old, all those youthful lust doesn't matter anymore. That's when mistakes been made at age range of twenties starts bringing it's consequences to you.
When you are 60, you realize no one was even thinking about you in the first place, but rather you where just wasting your time in life thinking.
Wake up from your dream, live your own life that you won't regret in years to come, never live a life to impress anyone because no one cares about you, if you should pass out today, it will only take them few years to forget about you, everyone moves on with life without you, don't kill your self for anyone
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I'll do that on my next post