With rural green Nature
Hello friends,
Good morning everyone, today's day has started with a beautiful nature and environment, but today's heat is a little higher than yesterday. It seems that today's whole day will be like this and there will be some heat as well. So today I will share some scenes of green agricultural land in rural environment with you.
Rural environment means green agricultural land and the pure smile of the crops in it, this is a common saying and we all know it well. The hard work of the farmer in the agricultural land and then the beautiful view of the crops puts a smile on his face. Which is not only something happy for the farmer but also becomes a great source of refreshment for nature and environment.
Green environment means something different and a great subject of fascination. These things are also great for me, when I enter the green nature and if it is a rural environment, my attraction towards it increases greatly. Maybe this is why rural environment is a little better for me.
Whenever I go to rural environment, I try to capture different scenes in various ways. A few days ago, I attended a wedding in a rural setting, and I tried to capture the beautiful scenery around me. I hope you will enjoy today's green scenes as well.
All are my Original Photography by Redmi Smartphone.
Thanks all for reading.