Human Efforts in Rural Environment
Hello friends,
Good morning everyone, like yesterday, today's nature and environment are also quite beautiful and bright and the environment is warm due to the intensity of the sun. Such nature is very beneficial in rural environments. Because people in rural environments are dependent on nature in many ways.
Today I will share some scenes of people's efforts to do something in rural environments and to become self-sufficient in a beautiful way. To be honest, we have many things in nature that we can become more self-sufficient or try to make good use of. This may not be possible in a city environment very easily, but it is possible in a rural environment.
Earlier, I had posted about goat farming, people are very enthusiastic about raising cows and goats. Along with this, they also raise ducks and chickens. They do not have to buy extra food for these, but there are various types of food for them in nature. Ducks and chickens collect their food from nature.
In almost every household, there are ducks or chickens roaming around, and from there, they thrive in the natural surroundings. In such a beautiful environment, they grow very quickly and ensure an increased income for the farming family.
All are my Original Photography by Redmi Smartphone.
Thanks all for reading.